Translation News

  • Toad Dell Releases Toad for Oracle Localized for the Chinese Market - There’s a simple reason why a lot of different business fail today – poor economy that’s affecting the whole world. But, there’s also a simple way to save your business, which many don’t consider. No matter how much we’re afraid of changes and find it difficult to adopt them, this is a sacrifice we need […]
  • Il significato dei nomi di marca - La creazione di una forte identità di marca, il brand appunto, è un aspetto fondamentale di qualsiasi attività nel campo dei prodotti di largo consumo, e gran parte dell’identità di un marchio risiede nel nome. Sebbene molte marche derivino il proprio nome dal fondatore della relativa azienda, altre hanno un’origine più interessante. Alcuni nomi si […]
  • Markennamen und ihre Bedeutung - Die Schaffung eines starken Markenauftritts ist ein unverzichtbarer Aspekt im Konsumgütergeschäft, wobei ein großen Teil der Markenidentität mit dem Namen verbunden wird. Während viele Marken einfach nach ihrem Gründer benannt sind, haben andere einen interessanten Ursprung. Einige Markennamen wurden von der antiken Mythologie inspiriert, andere sind vollständige Kunstnamen und wieder andere sind aus reinem Zufall […]
  • El significado de las marcas - La creación de una fuerte identidad de marca constituye un aspecto integral de toda empresa de productos para el consumidor y toda identidad de marca está basada, en gran medida, en su nombre. Si bien muchas marcas simplemente llevan el nombre de sus fundadores, otras cuentan con orígenes más interesantes. Algunas marcas encuentran su inspiración […]
  • 品牌名称的含义 - 对于任何一个消费品企业来说,创造一个鲜明的品牌形象至关重要,而品牌形象的很大部分体现于其品牌名称中。大多品牌都只是以其创始人命名,然而,其他一些品牌名称的来源则有趣得多。一些品牌名称从古代神话中汲取灵感,一些是完全编造出来的,而还有一些则全为偶然而得。我们搜集了全球几大著名品牌,来看看它们是如何命名的。相信,您会惊诧于其中很多品牌的名称来源。   使用以下嵌入代码在您的网站添加此信息图: <a href=””><img src=”” alt=”品牌名称的含义 | The Translation Company”></a> You May Also Like -Types of TranslationAvoiding Disaster5 Ways to Save Big5 Facts You Should Know to Buy Translation
  • НАЗВАНИЯ ТОРГОВЫХ МАРОК И ИХ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ - Названия торговых марок и их значение Для любой компании важен удачный образ бренда, а тот, в свою очередь, в значительной степени зависит от правильно выбранного имени. Часть компаний получает свое название в честь своих основателей, другие же могут похвастаться более интересным происхождением своего наименования. Одни могут быть обязаны своим появлением героям античных мифов, другие могут […]
  • dreamstime l 40430580 The 5 Best Translation Apps - If you suddenly find yourself in Moscow but you don’t speak Russian, you could end up in quite a precarious situation for lack of Russian translation. After all, it is difficult to order a meal or find your way around if you don’t speak at least a bit of the language. Luckily, with these five […]
  • dreamstime l 44789733 Why Is Greek Literature Lost in Translation? - It’s no secret that writing in one of the world’s lesser-known languages, from Irish to Finnish, means that an accurate, high-quality translation is the key to accruing global readership. After all, if the works of Japanese author Haruki Murakami had never been translated, there wouldn’t have been fans lined up in New York City for […]
  • La signification des noms de marque - La création d’une identité de marque forte fait partie intégrante de toute entreprise de biens de consommation et une grande part de l’identité de la marque réside dans son nom. Si de nombreuses marques tirent simplement leur nom de leur fondateurs, d’autres ont des origines plus intéressantes. Certains noms de marque s’inspirent de la mythologie […]
  • O significado dos nomes das marcas - A criação de uma marca forte é um aspecto integral de qualquer negócio orientado ao consumo, e uma parte importante de qualquer identidade de marca está no seu nome. Enquanto muitas marcas tem os seus nomes simplesmente baseados em seus fundadores, outras tem origens mais interessantes. Algumas marcas buscam inspiração na mitologia grega, enquanto outras […]
  • dreamstime l 35776786 Should You Translate Your Closed Captions? - Online video is increasingly being deployed by Internet marketers as a way to attract consumers’ attention and boost consumer engagement. 100 million Internet users watch videos online each day, and a third of all online activity is spent watching video. 90 percent of online shoppers at major retailers’ websites report that video content is very […]
  • dreamstime l 23386577 British Publisher to Translate Patrick Modiano’s Children’s Book -   British publisher Andersen Press has just snagged a deal to publish one of Patrick Modiano’s children’s books. The work, “Catherine Certitude,” is a mystery set in Paris. The publisher is rushing to get books into stores before Christmas and has compared the work to “The Little Prince.” The deal comes amid a frantic flurry […]
  • dreamstime l 28880937 Translation of Vatican Document on Homosexuality Spurs Controversy - A translation of a Vatican document on outreach to gays has recently sparked controversy. The document in question was a summation of a two-week meeting called by Pope Francis, known as the Synod, in which 190 high-ranking Catholic clergy members met to discuss the fact that many practicing Catholics disregard core church teachings, particularly those […]
  • LEGO Meaning Brand Names The Meaning of Brand Names - Creating a strong brand identity is an integral aspect of any consumer business, and a large part of any brand identity lies in its name. While many brands are simply named after their founders, others have more interesting origins. Some brand names take inspiration from ancient mythology, some are completely made-up, and some arrive in […]
  • Chinese Tattoo1 Translation App Helps to Prevent Tattoo Disasters - Pop “Chinese tattoos” into Google, and you’ll find results riddled with disastrous tattoos. That beautiful symbol that was supposed to mean “peace and happiness?” Well, turns out, it actually just means “wet dog.” Just last year, a tattoo artist from Sao Paulo, Brazil, was arrested for allegedly tattooing an unsuspecting client with a tattoo in […]
  • chinese text Blogger Provides Amusing Literal Translation of Chinese Names for European Countries -   Linguistics expert and blogger Haonowshaokao has recently come up with a map of Europe that boasts amusing literal Chinese translations of names for European countries. “This is not a serious translation by any means,” the blogger explains. “I’ve translated the names in a pedantic, literal way, character-by-character, which wouldn’t make sense to most Chinese people,” […]
  • 2014 10 bnbay Barnes & Noble May Leave the Bronx - It’s a sad day for book lovers in the Bronx. The Bronx Barnes & Noble, the first and only retail bookstore currently in the borough, has first decided to close its doors, leaving literary aficionados without a bookstore nearby. Now, less than a day after the news broke and become viral, the landlord is “willing […]
  • against amazon Amazon’s Monopoly Hurts Writers and Readers Alike - The power of Amazon is getting out of hand. Last May, a dispute between Amazon and prominent publishing house Hachette triggered an all-out commercial war. Amazon wanted a larger cut of Hachette’s sales, and when Hachette said “no way,” things got ugly, to say the least. While Amazon didn’t actually ban Hachette from selling books […]
  • sioux falls translation police Working to Ensure that Police Officers Are Never Lost in Translation - When it comes to protecting citizens and maintaining public safety, effective communication between police officers and citizens is absolutely crucial. Yet in linguistically diverse cities, language barriers can prove to be a hindrance to such communication, jeopardizing overall community safety. A Multilingual City with a Monolingual Police Force Take Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for example. […]
  • Obamacare Site Suffers from Awkward Translations - When the Obamacare website debuted earlier this year, critics were eager to point out the site’s many flaws. One of the biggest glitches of all? The site’s poor Spanish translations. “When you get into the details of the plans, it’s not all written in Spanish. It’s written in Spanglish, so we end up having to […]
  • Alaska USA Alaska Must Translate Election into Two Indigenous Languages - Earlier this month, a U.S. district court judge ruled that the Alaska Division of Elections was in violation of the Voting Rights Act by failing to provide election materials in two endangered indigenous languages, Gwich’in and Yupik. In order to comply with the act, the state must translate the material. The ruling means that hundreds […]
  • skype 1 Social Media Aids Skype’s Real-Time Translator -   It can be hard to understand the slang used when people communicate via social networks, just imagine how difficult it is to translate certain words. The research team of the company “Microsoft” has been focusing its efforts to study how social media slang should be translated. The team managed to make a lot of […]
  • uk fit The Foreign Language Learning Challenge in UK - When we take a typical classroom for learning a foreign language in any primary school, we can see a lot of kids singing, playing and actively learning new words through games. This is a much better approach, and it is commonly used in contrast to standalone lessons where kids are taught lists of words and […]
  • persia New Translation of 13th Century Persian Poet - Wise words left to us by one of the most famous poets of the 13th century, Jal?l ad-D?n Muhammad Balkh?, or in English simply known as Rumi, have, over the years, become quite the trend on social media sites like Facebook. Rumi’s work was renowned in the field of theology, since he was regarded as a […]
  • spanish ball Connecticut Helps Spanish Speakers with Tax Forms  -   If there is something that minorities will appreciate is when a state attempts to make them feel more welcome. This is usually achieved when that state is trying to eliminate the need to force people to learn the foreign language in order to function normally within its borders. The state of Connecticut has recently […]
  • genesis Genesis of New Words, Popular Culture as the Main Source -   Anyone who spent time dwelling in linguistic areas witnessed how difficult it is to convey one message from source to target text. Sometimes, a corresponding word in the source language simply does not exist, therefore a translator must find a way to deal with this obstacle. Of course, this is not too much of […]
  • retail Translation of Untranslatable Words, Understand the Science - There is a whole science dealing with words and their meaning, and it is quite fascinating when you think about it, as even the simplest language that exists in the world is complex enough to support all the frequent actions, feelings, and can be used as a great source for explaining thoughts and ideas. When […]
  • punjabi Hindi-to-Punjabi Translation Software Gains Recognition - Translation software from India is quickly garnering international recognition. The software, developed by a faculty member at Punjabi University, was recently showcased at the both the University of Edinburgh and the Indian Government’s Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) and now is available to the public. ‘The software has been made available online on the […]
  • chinese text 7 More Words Without English Translation - Words and their relationship with meaning is a fascinating subject so much that there is a whole science behind it. Linguists are spending their whole lives analysing everything about the simplest word you are using daily, trying to categorize it, find its origin, how it has changed over the years, while translators are trying to […]
  • technologies A Secret Code in Google Translate? -   It is true that if something can’t be proven, that doesn’t make it necessarily false but this kind of approach leaves too much space for paranoia. Personally, I tend to steer away from conspiracy theories in the online environment and outside of it, but when it involves one of the most powerful corporations in […]
  • talking tomato The Secret Language of Plants: Myth or Reality? - One of the greatest achievements of humans, as a species, is the development of the intricate language system, designed primarily to convey messages, thoughts and ideas from one person to another. This has allowed us to pool our forces and brains together in order to achieve so much that is beyond the capabilities of a […]
  • british vs american english British and American English – Between the Lines - The following article is based on the experience of a particular British woman who started to live in the US. Even though both nations speak English, they do not share the same mentality necessary for the proper communication at work. Of course, there are vocabulary items which are different (elevator-lift, boot-trunk, pavement- sidewalk etc.), but […]
  • Imperial College London Imperial College London Constructs Research & Translation Hub - Imperial College London recently began construction on its much-anticipated Research & Translation Hub. The Research & Translation Hub will cost an estimated £200 million and is at the forefront of the college’s efforts to expand into West London. With a 2016 anticipated completion date, the hub will sprawl across an impressive 48,000 square meters. The […]
  • haruki murakami English Translation of Haruki Murakami’s Novel Hits Shelves in the US -   An English translation of a book by acclaimed Japanese writer Haruki Murakami hit shelves in the U.S. last week. The new novel, “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage,” was originally published in Japan as “Shikisai wo Motanai Tazaki Tsukuru to Kare no Junrei no Toshi” last April and sold a staggering 1 […]
  • transifex Transifex Unveils Their New Translation Software - One of the greatest challenges a programmer faces is how to come up with an efficient engine for the purpose of translation. Indeed, there are numerous programs that offer this kind of service, but all of them share a flaw – inaccurate translation, simply because they are trying to cover a vast number of different […]