Translation News

  • Afghanistan: The Power of Interpretation - Afghanistan: The Power of Interpretation “Too often, stories about Afghanistan center around the various wars, the opium trade, the war on terrorism. Precious little is said about the Afghan people themselves – their culture, their traditions, how they lived in their country, and how they manage abroad as exiles.” – Khaled Hosseini Afghanistan has dominated […]
  • Translation on a Global Scale - Translation on a Global Scale UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson brought the world’s leading democracies together to reach major new agreements to help the world fight, and then build back better from coronavirus and create a greener, more prosperous future. – The 2021 UK hosted G7 Summit Often when we think of translation we equate […]
  • Translation at the Olympics - Translation at the Olympics “The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight; the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.” – Olympic Movement’s Creed From July 23rd until August 8th the Olympics has dominated the national and international headlines with its shock performances, smashing of world […]
  • All You Wanted to Ask about Employee Handbooks - “Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” – Anne M. Mulcahy, former CEO of Xerox Employee Number 45691 is far less likely to feel engaged in their […]
  • Geriatric Millennials: Bridging the gap. - Geriatric Millennials: Bridging the gap. I recently read an article about Geriatric Millennials and at first, the term didn’t sit well with me. The word geriatric doesn’t seem flattering and with forty on the horizon, it tapped into my dread of leaving my thirties behind. Looking past the term “geriatric” though and looking more closely […]
  • How Are Translation Services Important to Non-Profit Organizations? - How Are Translation Services Important to Non-Profit Organizations?  “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead Non-Profit Organizations play an absolutely vital role in building healthy communities. They do this by providing critical services that contribute to both economic […]
  • Engineering Companies and Global Manufacturers Need Translation Services - Engineering Companies and Global Manufacturers ‘ Use of Translation Services Global businesses need translation services as a core part of their operations. When communication materials are translated accurately into other languages, they can effectively deliver their intended message. A local business rarely runs into miscommunication problems. When clients speak the same language, it’s easier to […]
  • The Importance of Translation Services in Education - ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ – Nelson Mandela We can all agree that education is one of the most fundamental pillar stones in paving the way for the future. Whether we are talking about young, wide-eyed children, alert adolescents, hard-working college students, or even adults striving […]
  • Happy Thanksgiving! - The Translation Company understands that this Thanksgiving is not like any other and prepared a fun infographic showing that Thanksgiving has not always been the same. We hope that these fun facts can help you have a more enjoyable Thanksgiving in 2020 despite all the challenges faced during these confusing times.   You May Also […]
  • The New York Times becomes the third Publication to terminate Spanish News. -   Spanish is the second most spoken language in the United States. Thus, it makes sense that news publications and channels serve the Latino community by providing news in Spanish. However, recently The New York Times announced that it is terminating its Spanish news coverage, becoming the third new outlet to do so after Buzzfeed […]
  • The Repercussions of Incorrect Grammar on Social Media -   Imagine being an influencer on social media. Imagine having the ability to sway opinions and having millions looking up to you. Many would argue that this is a great responsibility. However, do influencers also have a responsibility to be grammatically correct when posting on social media? Should they have impeccable vocabulary? While the general […]
  • Cognitive Thought and Language - Many of us are fearful of old age. We are afraid that we’ll lose our ability to do things effortlessly and swiftly. However, research proves that a person’s command over language increases and becomes better with age; continuing well into old age. The article by Professor Roger J Kreuz from the University of Memphis explores […]
  • Not Understanding Hurricane Dorian’s Danger Due to Language - It is already a nerve-wracking experience to immigrate to a new country with your family. It is especially daunting to be a student who has traveled all alone to study in a new place. Often students coming to study in North America are used to different customs and have to adjust to a new lifestyle. […]
  • Fake News Article Could Language be the Problem Solver of Fake News? -   Have you ever been caught in a whirlwind of news and wondered if what you’re reading is accurate or not? There is a plethora of questionable information available to the consumer and it can be a hassle to swift through factual information versus fake news. However, recent studies show that language may be a […]
  • Air Canada has been ordered to pay $21,000 due to dispute with French Couple -   Recently Air Canada was sued by a French couple for language violations. They claimed that Air Canada was biased towards English and anglophones when compared to French speakers. Their main concerns were the signage used by the airlines that had words in English “in larger font than the French ones.” As a result, Air […]
  • Habits & Customs that Completely Confuse Other Countries - Customs vary from country to country and foreign visitors are often left perplexed by the cultural differences. It’s easy to assume that because we celebrate certain traditions, everyone else does too. Whether these are annual holiday routines or country-specific cultural habits, every family has a few strange practices they’re used to. Just look at tea. […]
  • in god we trust state mottos The Greatest National Mottos Translated - To the outside world, national mottos are often used to describe the intent or motivation of the country in a short phrase, but they’re also intended to bring enthusiasm and a sense of patriotism to the people. National mottos can also have a deep meaning, often representing what a nation stands for or strives for, […]
  • Iconic Bottles and Jars – The Translation Company - When The Translation Company discovered that the unmistakable Coca Cola contour bottle was celebrating its 100th birthday, we suddenly couldn’t help noticing all the other iconic bottlesand jars that have embedded themselves in our everyday life. From our breakfast table to our nightstand, the world’s most recognisable bottles are often sitting right under our noses […]
  • Littleprince Worlds’ Most Translated Books - The best books have the power to touch people on every corner of the earth, not just the country they’re written in, allowing readers to expand their horizons and discover new cultures and different ways of thinking. But if these books are to be enjoyed all around the world they need to be translated into […]
  • Las leyes sobre idiomas más extrañas del mundo - Con el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna 2016 a la vuelta de la esquina (domingo 21 de febrero), The Translation Company echó un vistazo a todo el mundo, desde el punto de vista legal, para encontrar algunas de las leyes sobre idiomas más extrañas. Hoy en día, el debate sobre la libertad de expresión […]
  • As mais Bizarras Leis sobre idiomas do mundo - Com o Dia Internacional da Língua Materna de 2016 às portas (21 de fevereiro, Domingo), a The Translation Company fez uma pesquisa por todo o mundo para descobrir as mais estranhas leis sobre idiomas já criadas. Com o debate acerca da livre expressão cada vez mais acirrado, nunca foi tão oportuno examinar a forma como […]
  • horse weirdest language laws the translation company group llc World’s Weirdest Language Laws - The Translation Company has taken a legal look around the globe to find some of the world’s weirdest language laws. With the debate around free speech getting fiercer than ever there’s never been a more appropriate time to take a look the ways in which governments past and present have tried to promote one language […]
  • dreamstime l 49120768 translate The Future of Machine Translation - Who needs human document translation services when there are machine translations? That is a question the professional translation services industry is increasingly grappling with. Machine translation programs are capable of learning. They use machine learning to render increasingly sophisticated and natural-sounding translations. Many are saying it is a full-blown coup d’état. But let’s not get […]
  • dreamstime l phone 39637785 Google Translation App Now Equipped with Word Lens -   Google Translate is a handy tool known for providing convenient written translation services. However, a recent update of the popular foreign language translation services tool has greatly improved its capabilities. Thanks to technology powered by Word Lens, the foreign language translation services tool will also now be able to translate text in photos. Users […]
  • dreamstime l 48184011 bombay Bombay High Court Corrects a ‘Fatal’ Translation - When it comes to legal document translation, translation services need to get it right. High-quality, accurate legal document translation is a matter of life and death — literally. 28-year-old Sunil Ombase is all too aware of this. Because of a legal document translation error, the Indian man was sentenced to death for the murder of […]
  • dreamstime l 23854131 Russian The 3 Best Translations of Russian Literary Classics - Russian English translation is no easy feat. It is especially difficult when translating literary giants like Tolstoy, Pushkin, Bulgakov, and Dostoevsky. What makes Russian language translation so difficult? Well, many major Russian literary figures are known for their experimental styles. But to accommodate the preferences of an English audience, translators often made conservative choices. They […]
  • game of thrones trubute by creasdoutliner d4hkxaj Game of Thrones Creators Play Valaryian Translation Joke on Viewers - Forget about media translation services. When it came time to turn the popular “Game of Thrones” book series into an HBO television series, the creators had to bring the language alive. But they didn’t turn to a translation company to bring the book’s exotic languages to life. They hired David Peterson, a professional language creator. […]
  • dreamstime l 10940705 Capitol Spanish Version of the Republican Response Raises Eyebrows - It is no secret that the Republican Party needs to mobilize a Hispanic voting base. Translation into Spanish is an important way for the party to reach out to the Hispanic population. And Translating to Spanish is not a new strategy for the party. In 2013, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio delivered the Republican Party’s reaction […]
  • dreamstime l 43373898 Google Are Translation Tools Really Getting Better? - From Chinese language translation to French translation, the world is relying on machine translations. For things like professional document translation, human translators are no longer needed. Instead people are turning to their computers. Machine translation tools, like the famous Google translator, are accessible and easy to use. As an added bonus, they are often free. […]
  • dreamstime l 37198613 bing Twitter’s Translation Tool Is Back - Ever feel frustrated when a Spanish language tweet shows up in your TweetDeck, and you can’t seem to decipher what is being said? After all, there are a mere 160 characters! Well, now you no longer have to kick yourself for not having paid more attention in your high school language class. Twitter’s translation to […]
  • dreamstime l 28722426 Campus The Best Universities for Studying Translation - The demand for global translation services is rapidly on the rise. If you are interested in pursuing a career in translation services, you may want to consider a degree in translation. Translation programs can provide a great foundation for the skills needed to succeed in the translation services industry. First of all, they can help […]
  • dreamstime l 22546214 Which Translation Strategy Is Right for Your Company? - Good translation is more than just putting words in one language into another language. Effective translators also put a great deal of thought and energy into choosing an appropriate translation strategy in order to boost the overall quality and effectiveness of the final text. So, which translation strategy is right for your company? Let’s take […]
  • dreamstime l 43710004 fr FR What Makes an Effective Translator? - Think that anyone who knows two languages will automatically make an excellent translator? Think again. Translation is a complex process; it requires skill, practice, and creativity. Take a look at the top four traits of every successful translator. Knowledge Every effective translator is incredibly knowledgeable. Many people make the mistake of assuming that translators speak […]
  • dreamstime l 25312371 5 of the Most Commonly Translated Words - Which words are the most commonly translated English words? While most of the words on this list are pretty basic, they actually generate more translation issues than you might think. Let’s take a look at five of the most commonly translated words. The As boring as it might sound, “the” actually takes first place for […]
  • dreamstime l 27767794 The 6 Best Translations of Literary Classics - In search of some new reading material and wondering about the best literary classics in translation? Take a look at our list. Nikolai Gogol’s “Dead Souls,” Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky Often hailed as the great comic masterpiece of Russian literature, “Dead Souls” weaves a wildly exaggerated tale of the antihero Chichikov, who […]