Translation News

  • North Carolina College Students Teach Elementary School Spanish - Students from Davidson College in North Carolina have partnered with Davidson Elementary school to help students learn elementary school Spanish. The elementary school Spanish class is taught for 45 minutes, and the students learn by singing songs as well as practicing conversation, as well as reading and writing in Spanish. The classes are immersion classes, […]
  • Insufficient Translation Affects Care of Hispanic Cancer Patients - At the University of Utah, a survey regarding insufficient translation was done among the primary caregivers of pediatric cancer patients who were being treated there. 323 participants completed the survey in English, and 46 participants took a Spanish translation of the survey. The caregivers taking the survey were asked to evaluate their child’s care. Some […]
  • Election Shows Major Wins for the Chinese-American Community - The Chinese translation from the Chinese Language World Journal expresses congratulations to the victors in Tuesday’s elections. Three Chinese-Americans were voted into the U.S. congress and the victory is a major milestone for the Chinese community in the United States. Congress Welcomes Chinese-American Representatives Grace Meng is New York’s first Asian-American representative for congress. She […]
  • Associated Press Releases New Spanish Book - Associated press will soon launch a new web-based style book for Spanish publishers and writers across the country. AP has been printing content in Spanish since after the First World War, but the new Spanish translation style book will be their first style book entirely written in the Spanish language. Controversial Entry Attracts Notice Among […]
  • Bilingual Town in Kansas - John F. Schwaller grew up in a small Kansas town that had been primarily settled by German immigrants. Because of this, the town is almost fully bilingual with even third generation American citizens being fluent in both German and English. Schwaller says that his family was of German descent, but they did not speak the […]
  • No Latinos Are Talking About the Latino Vote - A week after the elections, people are still talking about the Latino vote. It’s clear that the vote coming from the Latino community made a big impact on the elections, especially for states like Florida. However, it’s been noted that though all the news stations and channels are talking about the Latino vote, it’s not […]
  • Ohio State University Gets Nine Million Dollars for Asian Languages - Ohio State University has been awarded a three year, nine million dollar grant to open four institutes in Asia for U.S. language students to be enrolled in immersion programs. There will be limited translation services available as U.S. students take advantage of the program and move to the Asian campuses to fully immerse themselves in […]
  • Florida Becomes a Blue State Thanks to Latino Voters - The predominantly Republican state, Florida, has a new paint job in the wake of the elections that occurred on the 6th of this month. The Latino community is being attributed to the democratic win in Florida, proving that Obama’s campaigning, Spanish-language ads, and promotion of the DREAM Act has had a powerful effect on the […]
  • Launch of Dominos Spanish App - Domino’s Pizza is ready to launch a new App that is entirely in the Spanish language. Dominos Spanish app will allow Hispanic consumers to send in orders in Spanish as well as browse the mobile version of the main Domino’s website. Dominos Spanish app records a Spanish translation of a pizza order and is then sent […]
  • Oman Introduces German Language Classes - Oman is the first Gulf region country to introduce German language classes into the new academic school year. Over 100 students in grades 6 and 7 have opted to try out the beginner German courses that are now available. The new classes are pilot classes to see how well the German language is received by […]
  • Latino Families See the Benefits of Education - Latino families throughout the country recognize that education is often the key to success. Though often, young people in the Latino community can neglect their education. Like so many other young Americans, they are needed at home to help pay the bills or they have other family obligations that keep them out of school or […]
  • Do ESL Classes Cause Asians to Form Educational Delays? - Some activists are worried that ESL classes are hindering Asian students more than helping them. Activists for the Asian and Pacific Islander communities in Portland, Oregon have spoken out in an attempt to get the school system to recognize the problems and hopefully provide a solution that will enable the Asian students to succeed in […]
  • Latino History Recording at the University of Texas - Over 2,000 audio recordings about experiences of Latinos living in America is to be archived at the University of Texas in Austin. The Collection is called the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, and it has not yet been formally archived with any library for people to use for research and pleasure listening. The audio […]
  • Translation Error at Election for the Second Time in Arizona - Maricopa County in Arizona has distributed Spanish language materials with the wrong general election date for the second time due to an initial translation error. The first time, translation error was printed on voting information pamphlets, but the second time they were printed on bookmarks. On the Spanish translation documents that have been distributed, the […]
  • German Language Becoming More Popular in Italy - Though the German language was once scorned in Italy, the language is now becoming wildly popular because of the Euro crisis. Job opportunities are much better in Germany, but Italians need to be able to speak German in order to get a job there. German translation and German language classes are quickly becoming more popular […]
  • Utah Elementary School Implements a Dual Immersion Program - At Alpine Elementary in Utah, two first grade classes are participating in a new Chinese immersion program. The classes are taught for part of the day in Chinese, and then the other half of the day in English. The classes are flip flopped between two teachers to handle the two-part schedule. The classes can be […]
  • NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s Effort to Communicate in Spanish - Though some have criticized and even parodied New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg for this frequent use of the Spanish language, many in the Hispanic community says that they appreciate his efforts and despite the teasing, his Spanish translation is accurate and is fairly well spoken.  When language creates a barrier, anything a government official can do […]
  • Problems Encountered while Translating Theatrical Plays - Translation services are used all over the world every day. Sometimes they’re used for business transactions; sometimes they’re used to translate books and other reading material. For one Canadian woman who was asked to translate a play into French, the translation part was easy; staying true to the meaning of the words was the difficult […]
  • Latino Communities in Foreclosure Areas Receive Aid - A total of $137 million dollars have been invested into Latino communities that have been hit hard by foreclosures around the country. The money has been invested by the National Association for Latino Communities Asset Builders, and their goal is to restore neighborhoods and stabilize communities so that growth can continue. This money has been […]
  • Asian Languages Will be Mandatory for Australian Students - Because of a massive boom in the Asian population, Australia’s Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, is launching a program that will make it mandatory for all school children to learn at least one Asian language. The Asian community has been steadily growing and many businesses in Australia now have ties to Asia. To give students a […]
  • Free Bilingual College Workshops in Jan Jose - The Hispanic Scholarship Fund has partnered with the McDonald’s in the Greater Bay Area of California to provide bilingual college workshops free of charge in San Jose. The workshop entitled “Success College Workshop” will be held at William C. Overfelt high school with Spanish translation services available for the bilingual session. On Saturday the 17th […]
  • Financial Trial for School Systems in Texas - The state of Texas is involved in a financial trial with its school districts and is expected to last through January. The state demographer, Steve Murdock, has given a testimony for the trial stating that all Texas children need to receive adequate education in order to succeed for the future, including the high poverty areas […]
  • German Language Program Cut from Eugene School - Much to the disappointment of many students, the German language and exchange program at South Eugene High School will no longer be available to students after Fall Semester is over. There are currently sixteen German high school students from St. Wendel in the exchange program right now at the high school, but they will be […]
  • Twenty Years of Exchange Students - Students from Budingen, Germany, and Tinley Park, Illinois have been exchanging high school students in an exchange program for over twenty years. The mayor of Budingen, Ed Zabrocki, says that he can hardly tell the students apart anymore, they look, act, and talk just like each other. Many of the German students know English quite […]
  • Online Catchiest Program for Hispanic Ministry Leaders - An online program through the University of Dallas School of Ministry is now offering a certificado en teologia pastoral; the Spanish translation would be a “certificate in pastoral theology.” The degree is entirely taught in the Spanish language and is a one of a kind opportunity. The program is for Hispanic ministry leaders in the Hispanic […]
  • Obama and America’s Largest Spanish Newspaper - This last week, Obama picked up an endorsement from La Opinión, the largest Spanish newspaper in the United States. The Los Angeles-based, Spanish newspaper endorsement of the President isn’t really that shocking considering that he has had support from the majority of the Latino community throughout the country. The Spanish translation from the news webpage […]
  • Canadian Homes are Rich in Language - One-fifth of Canada’s population speaks a different language besides English at least some of the time. This means that one out of every five households in Canada speaks a language other than an official Canadian language. Canada is trying to impose stricter language requirements after this data was revealed through the 2011 census. The census […]
  • Texas Opens First Mandarin Chinese Immersion School - In Houston, Texas this school year, students in the area can choose to go to a new magnet school. However, this new magnet school is conducted entirely in Mandarin Chinese with absolutely no Chinese translation provided for the students. This school is the first of its kind in Texas. Not that it is an immersion […]
  • Latinas Less Likely to Receive Epidurals When Giving Birth - A study was done at Northwestern University to research why Spanish-speaking Latinas were less likely to receive an epidural during birth.Furthermore, the number of Spanish-speaking Latinas who did not receive epidurals was even higher than English-speaking Latinas. This has led the researchers to conclude that the reason is in part due to language barriers, or a […]
  • Center in Kentucky Holds International Reading and Eating Night - Neil Chethik is a worker with the Carnegie Literacy and Learning center in Kentucky that helps immigrants and refugees learn English as a second language. The center has attendees from over ten different countries, and they all gather together on different nights of the week to attend volunteer-led English classes. Though the volunteers aren’t professional […]
  • The Year of the Latino Vote - There has been a lot of talk this year about the “ year of the Latino vote. ” However, that hasn’t been based off of truth as much as it has been based off of the debates between Romney and Obama. Additionally, it’s been based off of as other snippets of media that have made […]
  • North Carolina High School Offers Advanced Chinese Courses - The Chinese program at Charlottesville high school in North Carolina has over eighty students enrolled this year. Even though some of the classes have the students sing Rebecca Black’s famous internet song “Friday,” the students are engaged in the material and eager to learn the complex language. Many of the students shuffle along to the […]
  • Bilingual Story Time at Alaska Library -   The Kenai public library in Alaska has a new bilingual story time for bilingual children and single language children hoping to learn another language. The story was at times a Spanish-to-English translation, and sometimes it was an English-to-Spanish translation. The story was told by Faby Peck who used flashcards and body movement to help […]
  • Indian students can take Math and Science exams in any language - In India, it’s now possible for secondary certificate students to write their math and science exams in the language in which they communicate best. For the convenience of their students, the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has made this change for the exams in February-March 2013. The translation services to correct […]
  • Asian Voters Can Be Provided With Ballots in Their Native Languages - Because of a recent surge in Asian immigrants, Nevada and ten other states have begun printing voting registration forms and ballots in languages that are not usually used on official documents. A Mandarin Chinese translation has been seen among other translations such as Vietnamese and Bengali. Other languages, like Hindi have also been seen in […]