Cafe Coffee Day (CCD), part of the Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company, has been seeking opportunities in the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and neighboring countries. However, while there have been minor difficulties and delays, officials at the India-based coffee chain said that work is still being done to expand successfully.
Shwetha Shetty, president of CCD’s international division, told Business Standard that the company did not want to hurry and subsequently make a mistake. Things may have been delayed in a few countries, but Shetty added that they are still in the process of expanding internationally.
Czech Republic and Austria
According to the news source, CCD is already in the Czech Republic and Austria with 16 stores total. In 2010, the organization acquired a coffee chain in the Czech Republic and even entered Pakistan in 2006 – although it eventually withdrew there because of political volatility (The Translation Company provides Czech translation services).
K Ramakrishnan, marketing president, told the news source that CCD does not create its strategies based on other organizations that enter the market. Instead, Ramakrishnan said that CCD has always focused on the domestic market, and while competition is good, his company will not be changing its plans because of it.
“Starbucks has entered India but they did that after a lot of evaluation and the same applies for CCD when it is looking to expand in foreign countries,” he said. “While competition will make the organized market bigger, existing biggies are surely keeping a close eye to maintain the leadership.”
When companies from any industry are looking to break ground in new markets, it is crucial that the necessary preparations are made, ensuring that customers understand the product and/or services being offered. Business translation services can go a long way in helping expanding organizations accurately advertise in new countries.
Corporate Translation Services
Even large chains like Starbucks and CCD can benefit from professional translation services for foreign languages such as Korean or Dutch. There are small intricacies in every country, and businesses of all sizes will find greater success when they take the time to meet prospective customers’ needs.