Making an overseas move into the United States is hardly a simple process, especially for entrepreneurs. Business owners who want to be successful in the U.S. need to ensure that all documents related to their organization are not only in order but that the proper authorities will be able to read and understand them. Whether you hire a translation from Portuguese in Brazil to English or Spanish to English translation services, make sure your translation company is a registered member of the American Translators Association.
Record-keeping Abroad
According to the IRS website, American businesses should find a record-keeping system that works best for them as long as information for federal tax purposes can be easily found and a clear section about business transactions, it will be much easier for entrepreneurs to keep organized records.
“Purchases, sales, payroll, and other transactions you have in your business will generate supporting documents such as invoices and receipts,” the website explained. “Supporting documents include sales slips, paid bills, invoices, receipts, deposit slips, and canceled checks. These documents contain the information you need to record in your books.”
Additionally, the IRS explained that if a company invests in an electronic option for record-keeping or accounting, it is still necessary to have original documentation for certain items. Anything related to gross receipts, purchases, expenses, and assets must be accounted for.
Document Translation in the US
Small to medium-sized business owners expanding into the United States for the first time would be well-advised to partner with a firm specializing in document translations. Especially for companies already operating in another country and might already have certain documentation procedures in place, document translation will keep the transition process as smooth as possible.
Even if one paper is mistranslated, it could cause an entrepreneur numerous headaches, including hefty fines.