Latino Families See the Benefits of Education

Latino families throughout the country recognize that education is often the key to success. Though often, young people in the Latino community can neglect their education. Like so many other young Americans, they are needed at home to help pay the bills or they have other family obligations that keep them out of school or encourage them to drop out.  However, more and more Latino families are urging their children to get an education because it will ultimately make them more successful and give their children more options in life. Along with this, Spanish translation services are more readily available at most schools and universities today, making it easier for Latinos to receive quality education in the United States.

Students Are Working Hard for Their Education

Recently, Dr. Richard Carmona, an Arizona native, visited the Girls Leadership Academy in Arizona where the students are hard at work, earning their well-deserved education. Many of the students come from poor families that can only offer encouragement to their children as they purse their educational dreams. Dr. Carmona also noticed than many of the students at the school were Latino, like himself, and they worked alongside their classmates to build a brighter future for themselves. The students of the academy often have to travel more than an hour to get to school every day, but they still persevere despite their circumstances. The school offers translation services and has had articles about the school published in both English and Spanish.

A Unique Schooling Option

The Girls Leadership Academy is a charter school in Arizona that offers free public education specifically for young women only. It is the first single-gender school of its kind in Arizona, and has shown remarkable growth and development. The school has even won a $10,000 grant from the Lemelson-MIT Program for the 2012-2013 school years. The School has a high number of Latino students, and through their education, they are becoming highly proficient in Spanish to English translation.

The girls at the school are also earning college credit while they are still high school, and are building skills for their future careers. The language services provided are much better than some of the surrounding public schools, and many of the girls could potentially pursue careers in Spanish business or Spanish legal translation. When Dr. Carmona visited the school, he said that it’s not unusual for an entire Latino family to work on helping one family member gain an education. He also says that as a Latino who came from a poor family and community, he saw friends who never made it out of rough neighborhoods and saw friends that faced discrimination, and it makes him proud to see the Girls Leadership Academy supporting their students no matter what their background.

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