With the internet becoming a staple for consumers’ across the globe, businesses would be well-advised to take note and make concentrated efforts to meet their needs. Whether customers are searching online or are entering a real storefront, companies want to be sure that their product is accurately advertised.
Success Overseas
The success of overseas revenues was explained in a recent survey by OC&C Strategy Consultants. According to the results, United Kingdom retailers could see their overseas online revenues increase by £24bn by 2020. Furthermore, the number of customers outside of the U.K. who searched online for that country’s products increased by 46 percent between 2010 and 2012.
With such success through online sales, it would be a logical step for some businesses—in the U.K. or elsewhere—to want to set up a location in a new country. If this is the decision chosen by an owner, investing in professional translation services is advisable. That way, a company will not overlook any cultural or language issues when it moves.
This is especially important, as a survey from consulting firm Common Sense Advisory showed that 56 percent of customers find language to be more important than price. Essentially, shoppers feel more comfortable when they can read information about a product or service in their native tongue.
A localization company that specializes in business translation, and can help companies expand online as well as with brick-and-mortar stores, is a necessary partner to have. Globalization is a difficult enough process, and having to worry about whether a word was translated properly is one extra concern that entrepreneurs do not need.