A new device highlighted in Business Insider makes translation as easy as drawing a line. Called “The Ivy Guide,” it is a high-tech pen that will allow a user to push a button, underline the word or phrase in question and then have the translation projected onto the page. While this is ideal for individual reading sessions, something a little more in-depth must be done when a business wants to expand its services.
Translating the Company’s Strategy
A contribution piece on the blog Business2Community explained how important it is for companies to have clear and far-reaching business plans expressed on their websites. Particularly when organizations are trying to expand into new markets – through different countries – those in charge must ensure that localization is integrated into the website optimization strategy.
“No one-fits-all approach can take your business to the next level,” the article said. “Unique web creation is important on both [the] design and content front for optimization. One picture is equal to [a] thousand words but that never lessens the importance of content [displayed on] your website. It complements the images by explaining your mission statement, product portfolios and success profile.”
In addition to finding quality translation services for websites, company decision-makers will want to guarantee that vital documents are also properly converted into a new language. Working with a certified document translation firm can ensure that a business is taking the necessary steps to move its operations into new territory.
A Clear Communication with Customers
While it’s natural for individuals to be skeptical of something that they do not understand – companies do not want this reaction from customers when they are attempting to set up shop in new territories.
Partnering with a website translation company can help firms across numerous industries stay ahead of the competition when it comes to globalization and localization. Organizations will have their business properly translated, guaranteeing that future customers are informed and not wary of what they have to offer.