Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee

We will not rest until you are fully satisfied and have the peace of mind that:

  • Proofreading and any required corrections are included in the price
  • Terminology is consistently used throughout your translations
  • Only native professional translators work on your document
  • No extra charges for quality improvement
  • Lifetime warranty – yes, that’s right! Lifetime warranty!
  • Do not apply: updates required because of changes in your project, style preferences not informed at the beginning of the job, and special certification or printing requirements are not covered by our satisfaction guarantee.

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The best translation quality and prices in the industry, guaranteed.

Our price is guaranteed to be below any written estimate from US competitor companies members of the ATA – American Translators Association on a translation job with comparable features.

Credentials a Comparable Competitor Should Have:

  • Competitor’s translators are certified and located in the US
  • Proofreading is already included in the competitor’s price
  • Competitor is a US corporation with translation done in the US
  • Competitor’s written quote include number of words, cost per word, turnaround, translation and proofreading inclusive
  • Competitor is a corporate member in good standing of the ATA – American Translator Association
  • Competitor’s quote is available to any other interest buyer (“good faith quote open to the public”).

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Refund Policies

  • For translation jobs delivered after the agreed turnaround the client may request a refund up to 15% of the translation cost.
  • For translation jobs where the client is not satisfied with the quality of the provided translation, the client may request a refund up to 15% of the translation cost OR that we work on your translated document(s) under the agreed terms until you are 100% satisfied.
  • Because of the service nature of the translation process, no returns are accepted, and no refunds higher than 15% will be provided in any circumstance.

Cancellation Policies

  • For jobs cancelled after the client authorized us to commence the translation work, the following refunds will apply: 75% if the translation job was approved by the client but our translators did not start working on it yet.
  • After our translators started working on your job no refunds will be issued.

Confidentiality: Always a Priority

Each translation we produce is subject to a strict security and privacy policy that is designed to protect your confidential information. These terms state that our translators shall maintain any content that you identify as confidential in secrecy, and, except when expressly authorized in writing, shall not be divulged or published by Translator and shall not be authorized by Translator to be divulged or published by others. Non-disclosure agreements are also available at no extra charge for those customers with large jobs. (Additional fees may apply for clients with small jobs.

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