Translation News

  • Portuguese Colonization - The Beginning of Portuguese Colonization   Some of the earliest colonists recorded in Brazil are Joo Ramalho and Diogo Álvares Correia. At this time, the Portuguese wanted to secure its highly profitable Portuguese Empire in Asia. Because of this, they didn’t do much to protect the newly discovered lands in the Americas from foreign intruders. […]
  • Demographics of Portugal - The Demographics of the Country of Portugal   Although as of 2011 it has a population of 10,760,305 people, Portugal is actually a very homogenous country. For almost all of its history Portugal has remained a country with one language and only one religion. This has contributed to a strong ethnic community and national unity. […]
  • Tourism in Portugal - Tourism in Portugal Portugal has much to offer world travelers, from the exciting capital city of Lisbon to the fairytale town of Sintra and to Tomar home of the Knights Templar. Portugal has amazing beaches with beautiful white sand and clear waters, many of which have been awarded the blue flag eco-label. Portugal is rich […]
  • Political Parties in Portugal - Political Parties of Portugal In 1974, the Carnation Revolution changed Portugal from a dictatorship into a democracy. This opened the doors to many new political ideas. These political ideas began to take hold and people founded new political parties. As of 2009, the parties represented in the Portuguese parliament are the Socialist Party, the Social […]
  • Leisure in Portugal - Leisure in Portugal Portugal is an active country whose people enjoy a vigorous type of leisure. They have an abundance of tennis clubs, Football (soccer) fields and white water rafting. Portugal has made an initiative over the last few years to install “parque ambiental”, which are parks designed for walking and other endeavors. Most contain […]
  • Painters of Portugal - Painters in Portugal Portuguese painters represent a variety of artistic styles and influences. Some of these artists include religious imagery and Portuguese history in their work. Others symbolize a break from tradition and support total creativity. Some of these painters use the abilities to deliver certain messages. These painters may have certain political beliefs or […]
  • Brazilian Cuisine - Brazilian Cuisine Local Ingredients in Brazil Like most aspects of Brazil, Brazilian cuisine varies greatly according to region. The most popular local ingredients used in cooking are: root vegetables like cassava (known in Brazil as mandioca, aipim, or macaxeira) yams peanuts And, fruits like: açaí cupuaçu mango papaya guava orange passion fruit pineapple, and hog […]
  • Chinese Theater - Theater in China Chinese theater dates back to the dynastic period and has a long history. While there are many different types of dramatic arts in China, the bulk of the art is now referred to as Chinese opera. Other categories of Chinese theater, all of which date back to the Shang Dynasty, are shadow […]
  • Cultural Revolution in China - The Cultural Revolution of China had a main goal of decreasing any capitalist elements remaining in the social structure in order to move towards an ultimate goal of Communism. Mao Zedong was the leader of the party and is often referred to as the chairman of the socialist movement and revolution in China. In 1966, […]
  • Human Rights in China - Civil Liberties The Chinese constitution guarantees civil liberties for its citizens. Chinese citizens are guaranteed the freedom of speech, press, and movement. In China, the freedom of speech only extends to certain levels. For protests and other outspoken events, citizens must register for a permit with the government. Any mainstream freedom of speech is often […]
  • Portuguese Poetry - The First Portuguese Poetry The first record of Portuguese poetry was in the 12th century. This poetry was originated in Galicia, Spain. This Spanish still shares some cultural identities with the culture in Portugal. Much like the poetry in the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe, Galician-Portuguese poets wrote and sang for the love […]
  • Demographics in Brazil - Demographics of Brazil The Great Diversity of Brazil The population of Brazil is very diverse. It consists of numerous races and ethnic groups. Brazilians can mainly trace their heritage to four sources. These include Amerindians, Europeans, Africans, and Asians. Since 1872, Brazil has conducted a regular population census that occurs every ten years. Brazil has […]
  • Leisure in Brazil - Leisure in Brazil Brazil’s Culture Brazil is a bustling country with life and character. There are considered to be many options for entertainment and leisure in Brazil. It is said that the best way to experience this culture is to visit a beach in Copacabana or Ipanema, assist a samba rehearsal, go to a carnival, […]
  • Geography of Brazil - The Statistics   The large country of Brazil takes up about half of South America. It covers a total area of 3,287,357 square miles. This consists of 3,265,080 square miles of land and 21,411 square miles of water. Brazil shares a border with nearly every country in South America The countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, […]
  • Portuguese Legal System - The legal system of Portugal is multi-functioning. This system includes civil or continental law, based on Roman law. Portugal’s courts are similar to other legal systems in European countries such as: France Spain Italy Germany There are several documents and customs that are also part of Portugal’s legal system, plus rules involving the filing of […]
  • Brazilian Music - The Diversity of Brazilian Music Although Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world, most people are only aware of two of the musical styles from this country. These two popular styles are samba and bossa nova. In spite of this, there are many more types of regional music featured in Brazil such […]
  • Educational Systems in Brazil - History of Universities in Brazil Much like the US, Brazil has a higher education system that consists of public and private-funded universities. The current university system in Brazil greatly mirrors world standards. Additionally, some of Brazil’s universities are listed in the 500 best in the world. The Escola Politécnica was created in Rio de Janeiro […]
  • Sports in Brazil - Brazilian sports have a very strong heritage in the country. The majority of the population often follows and participates in various sports. Sports are considered a large part of the Brazilian culture rather than just being sporting events. Besides football (or futball) being the most popular, Brazil has various other sports that the country is […]
  • The Meaning of Soccer in Brazil - The most popular sport in Brazil is football (known in America as “soccer”).  The Brazilian national football team has won the FIFA World Cup championship a record of 5 times. They won this title in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002. They are the only team that has qualified for every World Cup competition ever […]
  • The Early Republic of Brazil - The Beginning of The Brazilian Republic In 1889, The Brazilian Republic was established. It was considered a military dictatorship. The army controlled affairs in Rio de Janeiro and in the states. At this time, freedom of the press vanished and the government controlled all elections. In 1894, the republican residents revolted against the government. This […]
  • Art in Brazil - The First Art in Brazil The first type of art in Brazil was from the ancient native and colonial cultures. In the 16th century, Portugal colonized Brazil. At this time, the Portuguese state was quite primitive. This caused very little artistic expression. The native peoples of Brazil possibly produced a wide range of artwork, but […]
  • History of Russian to English Translation -   During the latter half of the last century, when the Soviet Union and the United States emerged as the two superpowers of the Cold War period, the languages spoken in those countries, Russian and English, respectively, became the predominant languages of world discourse. Today, Russian is widely spoken in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and […]
  • History of English to Russian Translation -   For decades now, English and Russian have been among the world’s predominant languages, largely due to the enormous influence of the United States and the Soviet Union during the latter half of the twentieth century. Even now, after the Cold War has subsided into the past, people around the world continue to conduct business, […]
  • Maps Of Brazil - Maps of Brazil   Brazil Topographic Map click to enlarge or download Brazil Climate Map click to enlarge or download   You May Also Like -Brazil, Portugal & the Portuguese LanguageBrazil Quick FactsEmployment in BrazilMajor Cities in Brazil
  • Brazil Universities - Complete List of Colleges and Universities in Brazil If you find a college or university not present in our list, please send a quick note to so we can update our directory. Thanks! Sao Paulo USP – Universidade de Sao Paulo Escola de Educa??o F?sica e Esporte  / EEFE URL: E-mail: Fone: […]
  • Russian Legal System - Russian Legal System and the Use of Translations Many businesses requiring Russian translations need them for legal reasons. Certified Russian translators can ensure that their translations are legally accepted in court by providing an affidavit swearing to the fact that the document has been translated accurately and faithfully to the text in the source language. […]
  • Brazil Geography - Brazil occupies nearly half of the total area of South America. It has borders with all the South American countries except for Chile and Ecuador. Its land mass totals approximately 3,300,000 square miles, more than the continental United States and slightly less than all the European countries together. 40% of the Brazilian territory is occupied […]
  • Chinese Translators from the Past - Chinese translators first came in existence 5000 years ago as mentioned in Chinese history.  Initially, it began with the translation of Buddhist classics from India and Central Asia. Chinese monks who were well versed in both Chinese and Sanskrit translated Buddhist classics to local language. Thus one can say that they were the first Chinese […]
  • The Italian Translation of Adverbs - Adverbs, like adjectives, are describing words, but, unlike adjectives, they do not describe nouns. On the contrary, they are used to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs can function as single words, or as a group of words in combination with prepositions and infinitives. In English, adverbs are often formed by adding the suffix […]
  • Challenges in Italian Legal Translation -   Legal language is specialized language used by judges, lawyers and other legal professionals to discuss the legal system of a country, and communicate the same to the ordinary person who may be involved in a lawsuit, or to the general public. Legal translation as a whole is plagued by several problems. Firstly, one has […]
  • Italian Literature - Italian Literature The history of Italian literature dates back to the early Middle Ages, when most literary works were still written in Latin. Italian authors such as Cassidorus, Boethius, and Symmachus continued to write Roman-style works long after the Western Empire had fallen. Learned people spread out from Rome across Europe during this period, taking […]
  • Grammar in Italian Translation - Grammar is a form of textual variable, that is, it is a textual detail which could have been altered (for example, a full stop could have been replaced by an exclamation mark), but it is such a distinguishing and essential detail that any alteration would give rise to an entirely new and an entirely different […]
  • Cultural Transposition and Connotation in Italian Translation - Cultural Transposition Cultural transposition in Italian translation is the name of a translation approach which suppresses the cultural elements of the source text to make space for the cultural elements of the target text. Cultural transposition in Italian translation can achieve its means by adopting such extreme strategies as exoticism and cultural transplantation. Using the […]
  • Italian Cultural Transposition - Italian translations, like translation involving any other language, always occurs on two levels: the literal level and the cultural level. On the literal level, Italian translation is easy to understand: one takes the words in the source language and converts them into similar words in the target language, thus making the source text understandable to […]
  • Connotation in Italian Translation - What Connotation Means In Italian translation, as well as in other forms of translation, the term connotation refers to the implied and subtextual meanings attached to a word, aside from the dictionary definition. This can also be expressed as additional overtones, the emotive sense of a word, the associations that a word calls forth, or […]