Have you ever been caught in a whirlwind of news and wondered if what you’re reading is accurate or not? There is a plethora of questionable information available to the consumer and it can be a hassle to swift through factual information versus fake news. However, recent studies show that language may be a determining factor that can filter out incorrect information or forgery. Fake News on the internet has a certain language pattern that it uses continually and is often emotional in tone. For example, there may be an excessive use of the second person pronoun “you” or the superlatives “most “or “really.” In order to validate this hypothesis, experts analyzed articles by Jayson Blair, who was found to be plagiarizing at the New York Times in 2003. Even though there isn’t a clear answer to entirely eradicate false information from the internet, experts believe that language can help immensely. Click on the link below to read the complete article by David Shariatmadari to learn how you can recognize patterns in language that can help you filter out the fake news to what is factual and true.