GERAsNDIO ……. ANDO ENDO INDO…….. There are three basic GERUND endings in Portuguese: ando, endo, indo. When the infinitive of a verb ends in AR, the gerund ends in ANDO. When it ends in ER, gerund ends in ENDO; and INDO for IR. Infinitivo: cantar, brincar, trabalhar, namorar. – To sing; to play; to work; to dateGerúndio:
cantANDO, brincANDO, trabalhANDO, namorANDO. Infinitivo:
escrever, ler, correr, ser. – To write; to read; to run; to be Gerúndio:
escrevENDO, lENDO, corrENDO, sENDO.
sorrir, ouvir, partir, latir. – To smile; to hear; to leave; to bark