XTM Enterprise Suite
Supported File Formats
XLIFF, HTML/XHTML, XML, Plain Text, OpenOffice, StarOffice, PO/POT (GNU Gettext), SVG, Adobe FrameMaker (MIF), Adobe InDesign (INX), DocBook, DITA, Java Properties, JavaScript, RTF, Trados Tagged RTF, Trados TTX, MS Office 2003 XML, ResX (Windows .NET Resources), RC (Windows C/C++ Resources), MS Office 2007, 100% compatible with Swordfish, build completely on Open Standards: TMX, TBX, XLIFF, SRX, xml:tm, W3C ITS
Operational System
Web application Enterprise system, multiple clients: FireFox, IE, server: Windows – Linux – Mac OS X – Solaris – HP/UX (Java)
Editor Notes
XTM can be used independently or some of its components can be integrated with in-house systems. It automates many of the traditionally manual processes involved in translation such as extracting text, applying a translation memory and creating the target file.
How To Buy
Not mentioned on website. Contact sales@xml-intl.com.
Contact Information
PO Box 2167
Gerrards Cross
Bucks SL9 8XF
phone: +44 1753 480 467
fax: +44 1753 480 465
E-mail: sales@XML-INTL.com