1. What are the two systems used to change from black and white to color?


  1. What was the Brazilian television trade mark in the 50’s?

O improviso

  1. Why does the improviso end?

Porque os programas passam a ser gravados.

  1. Which occupation did Carlos Miranda take after filming Vigilante Rodoviário?

Ele vira policial rodoviário.

  1. What happened to the TV in the 70’s?

Ela passa a ser vista como um meio de publicidade.

  1. What kind of show came before soap operas?

As Radio-novelas.

  1. How are the TVs connected?

Via satellite.

  1. What role did the TV play in the 90’s?

Ela passa a ser um grande veículo formador de opinio e a ter um papel político.

  1. What was the biggest growth factor for the TV?


  1. Which great means of communication allies to the TV?

A Internet se integra a TV.


  1. When did the development of the Brazilian national cinema begin?

Nos anos 60, na fase do Cinema Novo.

  1. What happened in the 70’s and 80’?

Período de crise para o cinema nacional, que adotou uma fase simplista e fácil, entrando na época da pornochanchada.

  1. How is the cinema seen in the 90’s?

Como produto rentável.

  1. What did Collor do in this same decade?

Ele confiscou a reserve particular da populaço e extinguiu a Embrafilmes, a Concine, a Fundaço do Cinema Brasileiro e suas leis de incentivo.

  1. How did the return of the national cinema production happen?

Com o governo FHC e as leis do incentive e do Audiovisual.

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