Supported File Formats
Support for most common tagged formats, such as HTML, SGML, XML, ASP, JSP, PHP and variations
Operational System
Price: 395 Euros
Contact Information
Aquino Developments S.L.
New address – Aquino Developements S.L. – BerlinĂ©s, 4 –
08006 Barcelona – +34 934585549 – +34 934187765
E-mail: info@webbudget.com
Editor Notes
WebBudgetis a text-counting and budgeting tool for HTML files and projects. Itautomatically detects and informs you of all tags with translatable text andworddelimiters, and for word delimiters has a built-in “SmartCount”function. It will help you to avoid long hours to budgeting your web project,save your time and increase your income by giving an instant, accurate andcomplete picture of your web-work. That’s the basic concept behind thisproduct: to make life easier and more productive.