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STAR Trans


STAR Transit

Supported File Formats

Text ANSI / ASCII / Unicode for Windows, Text for Apple Macintosh, Corel WordPerfect, HTML, XML (ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, XSL), SGML, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), MS Word for Windows, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, RTF y RTF forWinHelp, RC, QuarkXPress, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe PageMaker, Interleaf /Quicksilver, Adobe InDesign, XGate para QuarkXPress, AutoCAD

Operational System



Transit 3.0 Satellite PE, General Public License



Contact Information

STAR Group America, LLC

Headquarters US

5001 Mayfield Road, Suite 220

Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124


Telephone: +1 216 691 7827

Fax: +1 216 691 8910

E-mail: lyndhurst@star-group.net

Website: www.us.star-group.net

Editor Notes

Transiti a quite powerful tool. It has a very good dictionary feature; it allows the use of multiple translation memories at the same time and a lot more. However, as all CAT-Tools it has some malfunctions, especially while importing and exporting files, and it is also very hard to learn to use, and rather complicated even after several months of using it.

Help & Support


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