University of Hawaii – Center for Interpretation and Translation Studies
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
Undergraduate Program
University of Hawaii offers an undergraduate degree in interpretation and translation through Interdisciplinary Studies. Students design their own major (Interpretation and Translation), as well as the courses they need to take with the help of advisors from Interdisciplinary Studies.
Research Tools and Technological Aids for Translators
This course is an introduction to the computer technology needed for the professional practice of translation. Computer applications covered are wordprocessing, graphics, spreadsheet, and desktop publishing. Reference and bibliographic searches are also introduced to enable students to becomefamiliar with social science and professional sources.
Computer Assisted Translation
This course focuses on the use of computers as an aid in the translation process. Computer applications covered are desktop publishing, databases, telecommunications, and the use of Internet files for basic research in translation.
Pre-Consecutive Techniques
Techniques needed to abstract, abbreviate, and symbolize information for subsequent recall in a target language will be introduced. The focus of this course is on note-taking , note-reading, and memory skills, as preparation for the secondsemester course of bilingual interpretation of extemporaneous and prepared discourse.
Consecutive Interpretation
This course provides the praxis needed for developing a note-taking system for consecutive interpretation using various topics of discourse ranging from 5 to 15 minutes in length. Students will interpret extemporaneous and preparedmaterials, exercising their consecutive interpretation skills learned in TI 431.
Pre-Simultaneous Techniques
This course introduces the cognitive, attentional and information processing techniques needed to shadow and interpret discourse of varying length,speed, and informational load. Student will learn to improve their skills on concentration, (time) lagging, shadowing discourse of varying processingdifficulty, and stamina needed for Simultaneous Interpretation. Both audio and audio-visual inputs will be used.
Simultaneous Interpretation
This course provides the praxis needed for simultaneous interpretation. Discourse of varying genre, grammatical, structural, situational, and phonological difficulties will be used as interpreting exercises. They will vary in speed, length, informational load, and type of terminology.
Sight Translation
This course is an introduction to the ability to translate oral information from a written text. The emphasis is on improving linguistic (discourse analysis) and communicative (public speaking) skills.
Sight Translation
This course focuses on the oral translation of written texts of varying degrees of complexity. The emphasis is on practicing linguistic (discourse analysis), communicative (public speaking) and other sight translation skills learned in TI 451.
Medical Interpreting
Students will learn how to work as a professional interpreter in healthcare settings, with doctors, nurses and patients of different cultures and medical concepts. They will learn the major bodily systems, their function, common illnesses andtreatments, and get hands-on practice of various medical interpreting situations and techniques. Students need approval before taking this advanced course. Co-taught by CITS faculty and health care professional. Internship is optional.
Directed Studies
This is a variable credit course for students with special interests and for general skills students. Repeatable for credit.
Contact the University.
Editor notes
The Center for Interpretation and Translation Studies (CITS) was established in 1988 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa within the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature. The Center’s primary goal is to provide, through theoretically-based academic programs, basic training in interpretation and non-fiction translation. The Center currently offers a Certificate Training program in the summer in translation and interpretation in English in combination with Japanese, Mandarin, and Korean, and will offer certificate programs for other languages when demand is sufficient and qualified instructors are available.
Contact Information
Center for Interpretation and Translation Studies
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1890 East-West Road Moore Hall
Honolulu, HI 96822
Email: cits@hawaii.edu
Phone: (808) 956-6233
Fax: (808) 956-2078