University of Central Oklahoma – College of Liberal Arts
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
Department Of Modern Languages
French Major Requirements
Elementary French
Elementary French I
Elementary French II
Intermediate French
Intermediate French Grammar and Composition
Intermediate French Readings and Conversation
Advanced French
French Phonetics
Introduction to French Literary Analysis
Early French Culture and Civilization
Modern French Culture and Civilization
Survey of French Literature to 1800
Survey of French Literature 1800 to the Present
Advanced French Grammar
Seminar in French (3 hours)
German Major Requirements
Elementary German
Elementary German I
Elementary German II
Intermediate German
Intermediate German Grammar and Composition
Intermediate German Readings and Conversation
Advanced German
Introduction to German Literary Analysis
Early German Culture and Civilization
Modern German Culture and Civilization
Survey of German Literature to 1800
Survey of German Literature 1800 to the Present
Advanced German Grammar
Seminar in German (3 hours)
Spanish Major Requirements
Elementary Spanish
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish
Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Composition
Intermediate Spanish Readings and Conversation
Advanced Spanish
Spanish Phonetics
Introduction to Spanish Literary Analysis
Advanced Spanish Grammar
Hispanic-American Culture & Civilization
Spanish Culture and Civilization
Spanish Phonetics
Introduction to Spanish Literary Analysis
Advanced Spanish Grammar
Seminar in Spanish (3 hours)
Survey of Spanish Literature to 1800
Survey of Spanish Literature 1800 to the Present
Survey of Early Latin American Literature
Survey of Modern Latin American Literature
Check with the institution.
Editor notes
Although the University of Central Oklahoma doesn’t offer specific translation courses, the study of culture, literature and language is mandatory for a translator and the German, French and Spanish studies of the Department Of Modern Languages have high quality courses in these aspects.
Contact Information
University of Central Oklahoma Foundation
100 N. University Drive, Box 133
Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: 405-974-2770
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