University of Arkansas
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
Candidates may apply to do a Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing and Translation.
The MFA in Creative Writing requires sixty hours of coursework, with up to eighteen hours transferable for students holding the MA in English. Most degree candidates will spend at least three years completing the curriculum. The coursework is of three kinds: 1) workshop sessions in which student work is read and discussed; 2) theory classes in which the techniques of poetry and fiction are given intensive attention; and 3) advanced classes in English and American literature, with the hours divided about equally between 20th-century and pre-20th-century readings. Students who earn the MFA in Creative Writing will have both a broad knowledge of literature and a firm understanding of the history and techniques of poetry and fiction.
The MFA in Translation offers training in the practice and theory of literary translation. In particular, it focuses on the translation of literary works from other languages into English. It is closely allied to the MFA Program in Creative Writing and operates on the assumption that a translation of a literary work is an act of creative writing. Students take at least 12 hours of translation workshops, 24 hours of study in the literature of source languages, as well as formal study of the techniques of poetry and fiction, and one semester each of poetry and fiction workshop. A candidate for the degree must have reading knowledge of two foreign languages.
All candidates for the MFA degree produce a book-length thesis. Most spend at least three years completing the curriculum. The program also offers workshops in screenwriting and creative non-fiction.
Editor notes
This is an excellent course for those wishing to specialize in literary translation and many other fields involving creativity, such as computer and video games.
http://www.uark.edu/depts/english/PCWT.htmlContact Information
Programs in Creative Writing and Translation
Department of English333 Kimpel HallUniversity of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-4301Fax: (479) 575-5919
E-Mail: mfa@uark.edu