The University of Arizona
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
The AHI Method
The AHI is committed to providing students individual attention. Improving a skill requires practice. Much of the Institute is spent in the language laboratory and small group workshops, working closely with fellow students and experts in the field on simultaneous and consecutive interpretation and sight translation techniques and strategies. Lab work is mixed with lecture, maximizing the impact of both while helping keep students fresh. Lecture topics run the gamut of areas important to working interpreters, from law, ethics, and protocol to specialized vocabulary, retention, note-taking skills, and self-instruction techniques, to forensics and regional distinctions in Spanish, among many others.
The Skill Building Workshop I begins with a self-assessment and continues with an overview of court and medical interpretation, including:
- Objectives of Court Interpreters
- Useful Phrases for Interpreters
- Interpreter Do’s and Don’ts
- World Class Standards for Interpreters
- Code of Professional Responsibility
- The Profession of Medical Interpreting
- Medical Interpreter Standards of Protocol
- Glossary of Spanish Terms needed by the Medical Interpreter
Also covered in the workshop are the additional topics:
- Self-Critique Check-List for Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation Performances
- Interpreter Resources
- Skill Building Exercises
- Professional Opportunities
- Use and Development of Glossaries
Here are some of the topics that will be covered:
Consecutive Interpretation
- Car Accidents
- Burglary
- Weapons
- Medical Setting
- Drugs
- Guilty Pleas
Sight Translation
- Report of Interview
- Plea Agreement
- Sex Crimes
- Death/Birth Certificate
- Probation
- Last Will and Testament
Simultaneous Exercises
- Constitutional Rights
- Jury Instructions
- Opening/Closing Statements
About the Skill Building Workshop II
The seminar will cover the following:
- overview of the legal process
- objectives of court interpreting
- explanation of interpreter testing
- Ethics & Protocol
- Interpreter Do’s & Don’ts
- Interpreter Phrases
- Hint for Maintaining Neutrality
Consecutive Interpretation
Includes memory exercises highlighting the following:
- Chunking
- Visualization
- Notetaking
and pplying, concepts and vocabulary to the scenarios listed below:
- Order of protection
- Rape
Automobile accident involving pedestrian
Simultaneous Interpretation
Instruction for simultaneous performance used in the following examples:
- Opening argument in a rape case
- Opening statement (DWI)
- Closing argument (DUI)
- Closing argument (Domestic Violence)
- Mental health history of defendant
- Statement of constitutional rights
- Medical expert testimony (DNA)
Seminar will also highlight:
- Skill building exercises
- Professional opportunities
- Publications & additional resources
Sight Translation
Concepts & vocabulary used to translate documents pertaining to:
- Child support
- D.U.I.
- Protection order
- Probation
- Instructions to the Jury
- Harassment
- Instructions for order of protection
- Divorce
- Sexual Abuse
- Traffic
- Rape
- Order to desist
- Burglary
Editor notes
The Agnese Haury Institute provides a three-week course designed to improve language and interpreting services in many areas. The institute’s forte is its flexible curriculum, enabling for example that students attend specific classes from the Medical Interpreter Training Institute, and with excellent instruction in judicial/legal interpreting.
Contact Information
University of Arizona
National Center for Interpretation
Geronimo Building – 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 210432
Tucson, AZ 85721-0432
Phone: (520) 621-3615
Fax: (520) 624-8130
Email: ncitrp@u.arizona.edu
Cost & Financial Aid
Full Tuition: $2,595 |