Hofstra University
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
There are three interesting options of courses related to translation studies at the Hofstra University:
Bilingualism, M.A.
A bilingual and bicultural understanding of the Hispanic and American ways of life. This specialization is designed for persons holding a baccalaureate degree and for Spanish speaking professionals who have the necessary linguistic skills to perform their course work in Spanish and in English.
The candidate will take a placement examination, which will be used for purposes of advisement only, and must complete 36 hours of interdisciplinary courses as follows: SPAN 213, 216; one 200-level course in each of the following areas: literature, linguistics, history, cross-cultural materials and pedagogical orientation. A master?s comprehensive examination is required.
Applied Linguistics (TESOL), M.A.
This program is designed to broaden the theoretical and practical base of people involved in all aspects of working with adult or college-level non-native speakers of English including teaching, materials development and publishing or related areas. The program shares a common core of courses with the master of science in education program leading to primary and secondary school certification in TESOL for New York state.
Comparative Literature, B.A. Major in
This 42 semester hour major is designed to enable the student to acquire a broad background not only in the literary history of different cultures and countries, but also in their relation to one another, and their relative degrees of influence on cross-cultural movements, themes and genres in literature and the arts. A specialization in comparative literature reflects the intellectual breadth, flexibility and openness to cultural difference that the world increasingly demands. A degree in comparative literature prepares students for graduate study in the same field (or in any of the related areas of specialization), as well as provide a solid generalbasis for study in professional schools, such as law, education, public administration, or business.
Editor notes
Although the Hofstra University doesn?t offer specific translation courses, it provides an open-minded student with the possibility of a totally different approach to translation studies, which is Comparative Literature. By learning to analyze the literature of two or more different cultures, languages or nations, the student will develop a deep sense of diversity that will be of great value in his translator career. It may be necessary for the student to take other complimentary translation courses to be fully qualified to work as a translator.
Contact Information
Office of Event Management
200 Hofstra University
112 Student Center
Hempstead, New York 11549
Telephone: (516) 463-6631