Georgia State University – Translation and Interpretation Program
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
The translation program consists of five three-hour courses, described in detail below. Students must normally take these courses in sequence, and must receive at least a B in each course. Upon completion of the five course sequence students will take anexit examination.
Translation Courses
Comparative Stylistics and Advanced Translation
Introduction to professional translation, based on comparative study of characteristic modes of expression; introduction to the theoretical aspects of translation.
General Translation
Introduction to translation of texts on a variety of cultural topics, documents, computer assisted translation, methods of research an documentation, and the continued study of comparative stylistics.
Specialized Translation I
Methods of research and documentation; translation of texts, with emphasis on the areas of economics, business and banking.
Specialized Translation II
Translation of texts of a specialized nature, with emphasis on the legal, medical, natural sciences, media and other.
Workshop on the Translation of Special Topics
Translation of texts of a technical nature, including the areas of computer, medicineand the natural sciences; compilation of selected bibliographies in the field of specialization and the completion of a major translation project.
Interpretation Program
Introduction to Interpretation
Introduction to the field of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Protocol, note taking, practice with speeches from world organizations.
Medical Interpretation
Protocol and procedures for the medical interpreter. Practice with medical texts and development of medical glossaries.
Federal Court Interpretation
Protocol and procedures followed in the federal court system. Specialized vocabulary presented. Practice with actual court documents and tapes to practice simultaneous and consecutive interpretation.
State and Municipal Court Interpretation
Protocol and procedures followed in the state and municipal court system in Georgia. Specialized vocabulary presented. Work with actual court documents.
Check with the university.
Editor notes
The Georgia State University offers a complete course on Translation and Interpretation, including professional training in both medical and legal translation and interpretation, also including computer assisted translation training andcompilation of selected bibliographies and glossaries in the student’s chosen field ofspecialization.
Contact Information
Translation and Interpretation Program
Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3970
Atlanta, GA 30302-3970
Dr. Annette G. Cash,Director