Gallaudet University, Washington, DC

Gallaudet University, Washington, DC – Department of American Sign Language, Linguistics and Interpretation
  • Undergraduate
  • Continuing Education
  • Graduate
  • Professional Studies

About the Program

Program Description

Gallaudet University is the only university in the world that offers both an undergraduate and a graduate degree in ASL-English Interpretation, centered around the department’s award-winning interactive interpretation laboratory. Gallaudet provides a unique opportunity for interpretation majors to live, study, and interact with Deaf people from the United States and around the world.

The B.A. in Interpretation (BAI) program consists of a comprehensive, sequenced, and integrated series of courses and experiences that are intended to providestudents with knowledge, fieldwork, techniques and interpreting skills in interactive interpreting in legal, education, medical, business, government and mental health settings. The interpreting internship varies from student to student. The BAI program mainly is in a four-year format and consists of 39 credits in the major, which includes coursework, fieldwork and field internship. Students takesupporting courses in ASL and Deaf studies, biology, business, communication studies, linguistics and psychology, Part-time study is also available. To beaccepted into the BA in Interpretation program you must complete an additional application.

Deaf and hard of hearing prospective students must be accepted into the undergraduate students programs in order to apply for the BAI program. Hearingprospective students must be accepted into the hearing undergraduate students (HUGS) program in order to apply for the BAI program.


Editor notes

The Department of Interpretation offers undergraduate and graduate programs ininterpretation to prepare deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing graduates for interpreting work in a variety of settings. The department also prepares graduatesto interact and communicate fluently with deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing people, with an appreciation of diversity in deaf and hearing communities. The BAin Interpretation (BAI) and MA in Interpretation (MAI) programs provide a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to interpretation, centering on an interactive language laboratory and fieldwork. The faculty and staff are a team of highly qualified interpreters, teachers, and scholars who have earned national and international recognition. Research and practice conducted by this distinguished faculty continues to advance knowledge in interpretation, interpreter education, and linguistics of spoken and signed languages.


Contact Information

Gallaudet University
800 Florida Avenue NEMerrill Learning Center (library)
Upper level 2200
Washington, DC 20002
VP: (202) 250-2394
Voice: (202) 651-5222
Fax: (202) 651-5880

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