San Diego State University
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
In order to receive the Professional Certificate in Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English) participants must successfully pass the entrance examand complete the total number of credit units (24 quarter units).
REQUIRED COURSES (18 units required)
Introduction to Translation and Interpretation(Spanish/English)
Spanish to English Translation I
Spanish to English Translation I
English to Spanish Translation I
Theory and Practice of Translation
Theory and Practice of Translation (Online)
Consecutive Interpretation: Theory & Practice
Simultaneous Interpretation: Theory & Practice
ELECTIVES (6 units required)
English to Spanish Translation II
Spanish to English Translation II
Spanish to English Translation II (Online)
Sight Translation
Business Translation
$2,925 (includes course fees, entrance exam fee, and application for candidacy fee). Early enrollment discounts reduce price to $2,765. Cost does not include textbooks, materials and parking. All course fees are subject to change.
Editor notes
With a flexible program that allows the student to specialize by professional industry (legal, business, and medical) or remain a generalist. The program is recognized by the American Translator’s Association (ATA), and is an approved provider of continuingeducation for the Judicial Council of California and the ATA.
Contact Information
Translation andInterpretation Program
Arts, Humanities andLanguages Dept.
UCSD Extension
9500 GilmanDr., 0170A
La Jolla, CA92093-0170