Columbia University – Slavic Languages & Literatures
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
Columbia University’s Department of Slavic Languages, One of the oldest in the U.S., aims to educate new generations of scholars dedicated to advancing the field of Slavic studies. It strongly emphasizes the rigorous study of literary texts, discourses and cultural history. It also encourages its students to pursue original and innovative projects that further the development of the field.
M.A. in Russian Translation
This program is intended for graduate students who are primarily interested in working as translators; it leads only to the free-standing M.A. degree. It does not lead to a doctorate.
Program of study: Two residence units are required for the M.A. The program is normally completed in two or three semesters. Part-time students must complete the program within four years.
Courses: Students are required to register for two Residence Units and to complete at least 30 points (ten courses) at the graduate level (numbered 4000 and above), selected in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies, in Russian language, literature, history, and culture, or in other relevant disciplines. Up to six points (two courses) may be taken for R credit. The following courses are required for a letter grade:
- Practical Stylistics (RUSS W4434)Literary Translation (RUSS W4910).a Directed Research course for the completion of the translation project.
Other requirements: All students are required to complete an individual translation project (translation and introduction), begun in the Literary Translation course and completed in a Directed Research course. A bound copy of the finished translation should be submitted to the department office.
Editor notes
With Russian literature and culture being the main strength of the department, which has also a strong literary background, the Russian Translation course offered by Columbia University focuses mainly on Literature, building a strong interdisciplinary tie between these two fields.
Contact Information
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Columbia University
1130 Amsterdam Avenue, Mail Code 2839
New York, NY 10027
Phone: (212) 854-3941
Fax: (212) 854-5009