Brown University

Brown University – Comparative Literature Department
  • Undergraduate
  • Continuing Education
  • Graduate
  • Professional Studies

About the Program

Program Description

Comparative Literature Undergraduate Program with Concentration in Literary Translation

Prerequisites for taking 1000-level courses in a classical or modern foreign language before Semester V.

Comparative Literature 1210, Introduction to the Theory of Literature.

Comparative Literature 1710 (Comparative Literature 2720 strongly urged).

ONE course or MORE in Linguistics, drawn from among these courses: Cognitive Science 0410, Anthropology 0800, English 1210, or an acceptable substitute.

FIVE or SIX advanced literature courses (generally 1000-level courses), including Comparative Literature 1210, drawn from among the offerings of Comparative Literature, English and the appropriate national literature departments.

There must be ONE FULL COURSE devoted to EACH of the three major literary genres: poetry, drama and narrative. There must be a distribution of courses within at least three distinct historical periods; please note that the 19th and 20th centuries count as one period, the Modern Period.

TWO OR MORE courses in Creative Writing.

A senior project to consist of: 1. A substantial work in translation (length will vary depending on language and genre) 2. A critical introduction outlining the method used and specific problems encountered, and commenting on the history of theoriginal work together with other translations, if any.


Check with the university.

Editor notes

The Comparative Literature Program offered by Brown University covers linguistics, language, literature and creative writing, essential subjects for a good literary translator. In addition to that, the comparatist approach of the program is ideal for the study of other cultures, which is also an important characteristic for a translation course. The expertise in literary translator is also helpful for a translator work in many areas requiring creativity, such as marketing or computer games.


Contact Information

Department of Comparative Literature

Marston Hall, Box E

Providence, RI 02912

Telephone: (401) 863-2818

Fax: (401) 863-7337

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