Arizona State University – Spanish Translation Certificate Program
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
Certificate Program in Translation
The Spanish Translation Certificate Program is not associated with a degree program and is offered at the undergraduate level to ASU students as well as to members of the community at large who are granted admission to ASU and meet the entrance requirements to the certificate program.
Required courses for the certificate:
Once admitted to the program, you will need to take SLC 401 Translation Theory* (offered every Spring) during the first year of the student?s certificate program. In addition, students should complete three ?Applied? translation courses, to be chosen among the following options*:
SLC 481* Technical and Scientific Translation
SLC 482* Business and Financial Translation
SLC 494 Medical Translation
SLC 494 Legal Translation
Finally, SLC 484* Internship (2 credits=30 hours) is required to complete the 14 credit hours necessary for the program
Editor notes
The Spanish Translation Certificate Program offered by Arizona State University is an excellent course for those willing to acquire a general specialization in many fields, covering technical, scientific, business, financial, medical and legal fields. The student probably won?t become an expert based only on those courses, but he will have a good basis, and it will be easier for him to look for further specialization courses, or to translate simple texts in those areas.
Contact Information
Mar?a Teresa Mart?nez
Spanish Translation Certificate Program
School of International Letters and Cultures
Arizona State University
PO Box 870202
Tempe, AZ 85287-0202
Phone: (602) 496-0611
E-mail: Maria.Teresa.Martinez@asu.edu