American University
- Undergraduate
- Continuing Education
- Graduate
- Professional Studies
About the Program
Program Description
The American University of Washington, D.C. offers in French, German, Russian, or Spanish studies, including Undergraduate Certificates in those languages by completing 15 credit hours of course work according to the sequence required for theirparticular language.
Course requirements for each language:
· FREN-328 French Translation: Concepts and Practice (3)
· FREN-329 French Translation Workshop (3)
At least one of the following:
· FREN-327 Le Français Commercial (3)
· FREN-365 Les Registres du Français (3)
· FREN-430 Syntaxe et Style du Français (3)
Electives Two courses selected from the other core courses or from offerings in French at the level of FREN-326 or above.
· GERM-338 Introduction to German Translation (3)
· GERM-339 Business German (3)
Electives Three courses selected from offerings in German at the level of GERM-336 or above
· RUSS-441 Russian Media and Political Translation (3)
· RUSS-443 Russian Business Translation (3)
One of the following:
· RUSS-546 Russian Advanced Grammar and Composition I (3)
· RUSS-547 Russian Advanced Grammar and Composition II (3)
Electives Two courses selected from the other core course or from offerings in Russian at the level of RUSS-347 or above.
· SPAN-358 Introduction to Spanish Translation (3)
· SPAN-359 Advanced Spanish Translation (3)
One of the following:
· SPAN-361 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (3)
· SPAN-356 Spanish Topics: Applied Spanish Linguistics (3)
Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition (3)
Electives Two courses selected from the other core courses or from offerings in Spanish at the level of SPAN-356 or above.
Check with the university.
Editor notes
The emphasis of this program is on translation into English. Students interested in obtaining further translation credentials are encouraged to discuss their options with the appropriate language advisor. Among the options there are Graduate Certificatesalso offered by the American University.
Contact Information
Language / Foreign Study
Asbury, Room 324
Sherzer, Susan B
Sr Administrative Assistant
Mailing Address:
Language / Foreign Study
4400 Masschusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016