UTA – Ukrainian Translators Association
The Ukrainian Translators Association was founded in 1999 in response to the urgent need to provide due quality of translation and interpreting services. Every professional translator and customer needs information, legal, and technical assistance. The Ukrainian Translators Assocation logo have been
registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Public Orgaizations".
In its activities, the Ukrainian Translators Association relies on domestic and international experience and strives to cooperation with organizations, which unite
translators and interpreters worldwide.
Ukrainian Translators Association provides certification of translators.
Employing services of a Certified Translator/Interpreter (
Independent Member (IM)
IM has a right to obtain general information on translation services rendered by different translators and companies in Ukraine and abroad.
IM receives periodicals issued by UTA and obtains information from UTA data bases.
IM has no right to hold positions in UTA or to use logo or to refer to membership for advertising purposes.
IM does not take accreditation examination.
IM may participate in conferences held with no vote.
Associated Member (AM)
AM has a right to obtain general information on translation services rendered by translators and companies in Ukraine and abroad. AM receives periodicals issued by UTA and obtains information from UTA data bases.
AM has a right to participate in joint projects and conferences, to enjoy legal and technical support in the field of translation.
AM may apply for the status of a full member not earlier than in six months after continuos membership in UTA as an associated member.
AM has no right to use UTA logo for advertising purposes.
FM has a right to profit data base and other information provided by other translators and companies concerning translation activities.
FM has a right to hold a position in UTA and be elected to the governing bodies of UTA.
FM has a right to receive letters of recommendation from UTA, to use UTA's logo for advertising purposes.
FM has a right to legal and technical support in the field of translation activity.
FM has a right to participate in joint projects and education programs, to make proposals as to implementation of UTA's tasks.
FM has a right to participate in management of UTA and to take vote at Conferences.
FM is granted with a certificate of a full member.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
Ukrainian Translators Association
39 Gogolivska St., 1st floor, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053
Telephone: (38044) 484-61-61
Fax: (38044) 484-61-61
E-mail: info@uta.org.ua