SOMI - Society of Medical Interpreters
A non-profit organization officially incorporated on April 28, 1994, by interpreters for interpreters.
SOMI is dedicated to promoting professionalism and excellence in interpretive services to enhance the provision of health and social services to ethnic communities.
SOMI was born from the needs and desires of a community of professionals who are a vital link in the delivery of linguistically and culturally appropriate health care.
Today, SOMI continues to grow, supported by the commitment of its members and officers and is recognized nationally as a powerful voice for the profession of
medical interpreting. Currently SOMI has members from the entire Northwest regions – from California to Vancouver, BC.
For the benefit of its members, SOMI has established the following goals:
– To provide training for interpreters and providers, including all levels of clinicians as well as support staff and administrators.
– To establish and maintain a professional code of ethics and standards of practice for medical interpretation.
– To promote active communication between service providers, ethnic communities and the interpreter community.
– To research, gather, and disseminate information related to
interpreter issues.
– To provide a supportive network for the interpreter
– To promote awareness among health care providers and the community of the value of interpreter services.
Active: for individuals engaged in medical and social service interpretation who are not in the position of hiring interpreters: $25.00.
Associate: for individuals who support the mission of the Society: $30.00.
Institutional (non-profit): $40.00
Corporate: $50.00
Contact Information