SATI – The South African Translators’ Institute


The South African Translators’ Institute
The South African Translators’ Institute (SATI) is a voluntary professional association that serves the translation, interpreting and related language
professions. It was founded in Johannesburg on 25 August 1956 by a small group of 18 (this number has grown to around 800). Its stated aims at the time were ‘to give the translator professional status and pride and to ensure an honorable position for the translation profession among the other professions’ ? the Institute
wished to protect its members and equally to protect the public using translation services.
SATI’s mission statement
In the spirit of its motto, Per interpretes pons conditur, the South African Translators’ Institute is committed to playing its part in a changing world by helping to build bridges between people and groups and fostering in the community an awareness of the need for effective communication.
In pursuit of this goal the Institute endeavors to:
Promote excellence in translation and related fields, as well as clarity of thought and expression
Ensure high standards of professionalism among its members through accreditation and the adoption of a code of ethics
Provide support for its members both in their occupational lives and as members of a multi-cultural and dynamic society


SATI aims to support and safeguard the interests of translators and those in related professions. The following are its objectives as given in its constitution:

  •  To promote the interests of the translation profession
  •  To undertake and promote research in the field of translation and to make the results of such research available
  • To obtain appropriate publicity in newspapers and magazines and through other media and to publish and control a journal of its own
  • To obtain the co-operation of experts and interested persons from universities and other organizations and of associations and bodies both in this country and abroad and to promote common interests and action
  • To compile language and translation guides or to have them compiled
  • To collect and utilize funds for the achievement of its objectives
  • To introduce a professional code for translators and to work to ensure that members comply with it
  • To work towards the establishment of proper training facilities for translators
  • To introduce examinations with a view to admission to membership of the Institute


You can join SATI as an individual, student, or corporate member. Membership is open to anyone interested in translation and the related professions. No specific academic or other qualifications are required for individual membership, however, applicants must have proof of involvement in language-related matters. Certain categories of members have the option to become accredited through an examination. Only accredited members have the right to vote within the Institute, but all other benefits and privileges are the same for general and accredited members.

There are three categories:

  • Individual member (open to individuals working in their personal capacity)
  • Student member (open to students doing a language practice course)
  • Corporate member (open to translation companies and language office)

Corporate membership is available in two categories:

  • Language agencies/translation companies
  • Language offices (in government, corporate entities, or educational institutions)

Please find more information here.

Contact Information

SATI – The South African Translators’ Institute
PO Box 31360
Bloemfontein 9317
Tel: 0766320211

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