OMT – Mexican Translators Organization
The Mexican Translators Organization is a civil association, which was founded in 1992 to promote and support the translator and interpreter professions. The seat is currently in Chapter West in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco.
As a regular member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), Latin America Regional Center (CRAL), and of the North America Regional Center (CRNA) OMT enjoys international recognition and presence.
The website of OMT is not offered in English.
The west chapter of the OMT is the ideal place for translators and interpreters in Mexico. It provides courses and workshops, exchanges views and proposes solutions to professional problem. Perhaps most important is that it offers the opportunity of being part of a unified voice of the translation and interpretation professions.
Annual Fees:
New Members: MXN 1,250
Renewal: MXN 9500
Contact Information
OMT – Organización Mexicana de Traductores A.C.
Capítulo Occidente Progreso 270
Col. Americana Guadalajara, Jalisco
Phone: 33-3124-0236
Fax: 33-3124-0237
Email: asistente@omt.org.mx
Website: http://omt.org.mx/