NATI/NITI – Nigerian Institute of Translators and Interpreters
What is today known as the Nigerian Institute of Translators and Interpreters (NITI) is in truth an offshoot of the Nigerian Association of Translators and Interpreters (NATI). NATI (not NITI) was founded in 1978 in the premises of the University of Lagos, Akoka Conference Centre and Guest Houses. The association has both companies and professionals working with translation and interpretation services.
At a time when Nigeria was still basking in the euphoria of the famous oil boom and the rest of Africa, if not the world, flocked to the country in search of the benefits of the oil Eldorado, a group of fresh professionals, budding professionals and linguistically inclined academics met at the University of Lagos Guest Houses to fashion out the future of NATI, and lay the foundation for the evolvement of NITI, the Institute, which came about two decades after the Association, NATI. There were pioneering members from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who had been sent to the centers of excellence around the globe for the best training the available institutions of then could offer.
NATI was placed on the list of learned societies and associations that enjoyed federal subsidy, under the aegis of the Ministry of Education. Even if some clever civil servant woke up one day, may be after the first oil boom (we give in another) and thought that NATI was more a trade union than a learned society and so de-listed us, the fact remains honor had once been was due.
We believe the Government should kindly consider bringing us back to the list of those who should receive some form of annual subsidy. Our Nigerian language translators, especially those in the media, constantly expand the areas of possibility of our languages in the news translation on radio and television. It is thanks to them that government communicates with the grassroots. In the course of their work, our translators and interpreters contribute to national integration and national development.
NATI/NITI contributes to academic, cultural and non-lucrative areas, and it also stands up for the rights of translators and interpreters in Nigeria.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
NATI/NITI – Nigerian Institute of Translators and Interpreters
22, Gnassingbe Eyadema Street
Contacts in Abuja:
Prof. E. Simpson (Former National President & Ex-Officio Committee Member)
Email: profsimpson2003@yahoo.com
Mr. E. Nkansah (Abuja Branch President & National 3rd Vice President)
Email: emmankkofi@yahoo.com
Mr.I. Illiasso (Abuja Branch Treasurer)
Email: eliastre_8@yahoo.com
Mr.J. Okeke (National Secretary)
Email: benfrankk@yahoo.es
Contacts in Lagos
Prof. Tundonu Amosu (National President)
Email: tamosu@hotmail.com
Mr. Wole Ajiboso (National Treasurer)
Email: woleajiboso2007@yahoo.com