NAJIT – National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators
The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators is a professional association that was first chartered as a non-profit organization under New York
State laws, and incorporated as the Court Interpreters and Translators Association, Inc. (CITA) in 1978. In 1988 the membership approved a name change to reflect
the national nature of the association.
Since its inception, NAJIT's mission has been to promote quality services in the field of legal interpreting and translating. Our members play a critical role in assuring due process, equal protection and equal access for non-English or limited English proficient (LEP) individuals who interact with the judicial system.
NAJIT's members are bound by the Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities promulgated by the Association to advance the highest quality language
services in assisting all parties in the administration of justice.
Members are encouraged to continually upgrade their skills, and to share their knowledge and expertise with other members of the profession and allied professions
involved in education and the justice system.
As of 2008, NAJIT's membership of 1300 people includes practicing judiciary interpreters and translators as well as attorneys, judges, Ph.D linguists, educators,
researchers, students, administrators, as well as managers of non-profit community language bureaus and for-profit language agencies.
- Full Listing in NAJIT?s Online Membership Directory
- Subscription to Proteus, NAJIT?s quarterly newsletter dedicated to court interpretation and legal translation
- Access to reduced-priced professional liability insurance.
- Subscription to CyberNews, NAJIT?s automatic email updates on training opportunities, meetings and other matters of professional interest
- NAJIT Position Papers on topics of critical interest to the profession
- Electronic access to NAJIT publications, including archived materials available in the Members' Only area of the webpage
- Right to use a special NAJIT logo on your business card
- Access to reduced-rate language specific interpreting and translation skills-building workshops in Spanish and other languages, including certification testing
preparation courses
- Reduced-rate access to required continuing education sessions
- Reduced-rate registration for NAJIT conferences, regional and local workshops
- Right to vote and hold office (active members only)
- Opportunities for committee membership and participation in NAJIT special projects
- Opportunity to chair committees and be actively involved in NAJIT decision-making and long-term planning
- Participation in NAJIT?s lively and informative members? listserv where members share expertise, information and resources, exchange terminology, discuss transcription and translation standards, and confer on ethical and professional dilemmas and association matters
- Active involvement in state and national legislative matters and issues affecting the interpreting and translating community
- Opportunity to present at NAJIT conferences, workshops
and training events
- Networking and collegial relationships
- Participation in a national and international network of professionals
- Access to employment opportunities posted on the website and through special bulletins
$105 Active
$40 Student
$85 Associate
$115 Organizational
Corporate Sponsor: $300
Corporate Regular: $160
Contact Information
1707 L Street, NW
Suite 570
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-293-0342
Contact Form: http://www.najit.org