MFE – Association of Hungarian Translation Companies
MFE was established on 13 September 1994 with the following objectives in mind: Trade and business federation of translation companies, raising the translation and
interpreting activities to a higher level and increased public recognition.
In recent years the MFE has built a sound foundation. It strengthened its membership in both quantity and quality. The aggregated sales of members were over one billion forints as early as in 2000 and reached 1.5 billion forints in 2002. With a few exceptions, the largest and most respected companies have joined our
association, which became known and recognized in Hungary and abroad, as well as becoming an active participant in the work of European Union Association of
Translation Companies (EUATC).
MFE gives special emphasis to:
- Encouraging clients to request the services of translation companies for solving their translation problems;
- Protecting the interests of translation companies by all legal means;
- Organizing company cooperation, forum for exchanging ideas;
- Participation in the training and further training of translators and interpreters;
- Providing information to companies, translators and
interpreters about the latest trends and helpful techniques within the trade;
- Distribution of up-to-date translating methods among members of the association;
- Lobbying for legislation in order to be more up-to-date and efficient in our work;
- Laying the grounds for and supporting high-quality translation services;
- Promoting the signing of liability insurance for services;
- Contributing to the operation of the translation industry under the conditions of a free market.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
MFE - Association of Hungarian Translation Companies
Mailing Address: H-1519 Budapest, Pf. 482
Telephone: 06 20 434-3949
Fax: (+36 1) 372-0136
Email: info@mfe.hu