ITA - Israel Translators Association
The Israel Translators Association (ITA) is the country?s only professional organization bringing together translation and other language professionals.
Membership of the ITA has grown 400% in the last few years, and members are proud to belong to an active organization that promotes professional standards. A
large amount of translation work flows between translators, and it is only by being active within the organization ? at meetings and online ? that members are
on the map. Work flows to those who are known and make themselves known.
The site, currently in Hebrew and English, offers information for translators, access to our searchable database of translators and a wealth of articles and presentations on translation and related issues. You will also find how to contact the ITA and how to join (special rates for both students and retirees).
- One vote at the annual general meeting (AGM)
- The opportunity to have your individual profile appear in the search engine
- The ability to select the specific specialization areas that reflect your work
- The opportunity to select up to five language pairs (five source, five target) for your individual profile
- Discounts on all events
- Membership in the discussion group
Individual regular membership: 420 NIS
Senior membership: 300 NIS
Student membership: 210 NIS
Corporate membership: 850 NIS
Contact Information
Israel Translators Association
POB 16173 Tel Aviv 61161
Tel Aviv
Phone: 972-54-5587949
Fax: 972-9-7669659
Contact Form: