ISTC – Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators
Established for more than 50 years, the ISTC is the largest UK body representing professional communicators and information designers. The ISTC is a non-profit
making organization and is not part of, nor belongs to, any commercial company, trade union or political party.
The Institute is managed by the ISTC Council.
The following are a precis of the ISTC's Memorandum of Association:
1. To lay down standards of education, training, knowledge and experience, appropriate for the admission of persons to the various grades of membership of 'The Institute'.
2. To institute examinations and to appoint examiners; to co-operate with any other examining/awarding body; and to award certificates and diplomas to those who pass such examinations.
3. To institute, establish and promote scholarships, grants, awards and prizes; with the goal of awarding scholarships, when possible.
4. To establish or assist in establishing chairs, faculties or departments of scientific and technical communication (or such other title within the objects of
The Institute as may be thought fit) at any universities or other seats of learning.
5. To organize and promote conferences, meetings etc. on scientific and technical communication.
6. To publish information on communicating and maintain a library of publications for ISTC members.
7. To establish or assist research into any aspect of communicating.
8. To consult, co-operate and collaborate with any persons, associations, societies, institutions or other organizations for the purpose of furthering the objects of The Institute.
9. Provide members with information on conditions of service of those professionally engaged in scientific and technical communication.
10. When possible, to obtain any Royal Charter, Provisional Order or Act of Parliament or other authority either in the United Kingdom or elsewhere to
enable the Institute to carry its objects into effect.
Professionals communicators are highly skilled people, experienced and trained in preparing the instructional material in every day use that we often take for
granted. Indeed, some of the most successful technical documentation is that which allows a person to use the subject almost intuitively. ISTC members have a wide variety of backgrounds and work in many fields. The results of their work are all around you: user guides, manuals, online information, the internet, product
design. They are committed to quality and professionalism in communications and include:
- Information Designers
- Publication Managers
- Documentation Managers
- Technical Authors
- Illustrators
- Translators
- Quality Managers
- Desk Top Publishers
- Editors
- Lecturers
- Instructors
- Professors
- Engineers
- Graphic Designers
- Technical Communicators
- Indexers
- Multimedia Designers
- Scientists
- Software Designers
- Trainers
- Webmasters and more!
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators
Airport House
Purley Way
Phone: +44 (0) 20 8253 4506
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8253 4510
Email: istc@istc.org.uk