IITA – Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association
Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association
As Iowa?s premiere association of professional translators and interpreters, IITA serves our state?s linguistically diverse community through education, training, and
promotion of our profession.
About IITA
The Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association (IITA) is an Iowa non-profit organization. Incorporated in 2004, IITA has the following Mission:
– to promote the recognition of the translation and interpretation professions in Iowa;
– to promote the communication and dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of Iowa?s translators and interpreters;
– to formulate and maintain standards of professional ethics, practices, and competence;
– to stimulate and support the training of Iowa?s translators and interpreters;
– to actively represent the professional interests of Iowa?s translators and interpreters before actual and potential users of translation and interpretation services;
– to promote professional and social relations among its members
IITA is affiliated with the American Translators Association (ATA) and is an organizational member of the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) and the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID).
As a member you can participate in one of the following ongoing activities:
– Events / Conference Committee
– Development / Fundraising Committee
– Communications / PR Committee
– Training / Certification Committee
– Newsletter / Mailing List
See the website for information on each membership class.
Active: $50
Associate: $35
Corresponding: $35
Student: $25
Contact Information
PO Box 1203
Des Moines, IA 50312
Phone: 515-865-3873
Fax: 515-274-2480
E-mail: info@iitanet.org