ILP – The Institute of Localisation Professionals
The Institute of Localisation Professionals (TILP) has the primary aim of developing professional practices in localization globally. TILP is a non-profit organization, owned by its members and lead by a Council elected at its Annual General Meeting.
It is the primary goal of TILP to develop professional practices in localization globally. TILP represents localization industry professionals and professionals active in localization related areas. These include:
Software publishers and publishers of other material using electronic media.
eContent providers-
Localization service providers-
Tools developers-
Trainers and educators (including third level colleges)-
TILP aims to-
Provide professional certification-
Be the representative body for localization professionals- Be the reference point at global level for the localization industry and those requiring information about it-
Promote the industry through a variety or publications and activities-
Provide the infrastructure for a range of activities supporting the development of the industry-
Maintain direct and regular contact with localization companies, government departments and agencies, researchers and students, and the media and international consultancy firms.
Go to http://www.tilponline.org/tilp_presentation_f7.pps to find out more about the association.
Localization Tools Offer for TILP Members Up to 30% discount on leading localization tools
The Institute of Localisation Professionals, TILP, has negotiated special discounts with the following localization tools providers:
PASS Engineering GmbH
15% discount on PASSOLO 5 Professional Edition
Visual Localize
30% discount on .net or premium editions of the tool Visual Localize. Visit the members section for details on how to order.
To avail of the above offers, you must be a member of The Institute of Localisation Professionals, TILP.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
TILP – The Institute of Localisation Professionals
78 Iona Road, Dublin 9, Ireland
USA (East Coast)
Phone: +1 (617) 830-1808
Europe (U.K.)
Phone: +44 (20) 8123-8346
Email: info@tilponline.org