FIT – International Federation of Translators
Founded in Paris in 1953 by Pierre-Francois Caill?, FIT is an international federation of translators’ associations which are located in nearly 50 countries throughout the world. Through its member associations, FIT represents the moral and material interests of over 60,000 translators on all five continents.
FIT is a strictly non-political organization of professional translators. As a non-governmental organization, FIT enjoys Category A status with UNESCO and maintains close contacts with many other international organizations.
Central Issues
Through its special committees, FIT endeavors to meet the needs of members throughout the world by addressing such issues as training, working conditions and recognition of the profession. The UNESCO Recommendation on the Protection and Improvement of the Legal and Social Status of Translations and Translators, adopted in Nairobi in 1976, is a milestone in the history of FIT.
FIT is proud of its achievements on behalf of the translating profession. At the same time, it is well aware of the work that remains to be done in order to meet the growing demand for international communication and cooperation. FIT, therefore, continues to play its vital role in overcoming language barriers and in promoting worldwide understanding.
Governing Bodies
FIT world congresses are held every three years. They afford translators with a unique opportunity to meet and discuss the problems of their profession in formal workshops and informal discussion groups. The FIT congress also serves as the supreme governing body of the organization. Following their election at the congress, a Council and an Executive Committee assume a three-year mandate to administer the organization’s current business. They are supported by some twenty commissions and committees which regularly report on their work and achievements to Council and Congress.
Regional Centers
FIT creates Regional Centers, when deemed necessary, to promote its objectives and enhance its overall activities. The Executive Committee of a Regional Centre organizes meetings in its region to foster dialogue among local member associations, further the study of specific problems and inform the governing bodies of FIT of such problems. Since 1986, FIT has created the Regional Centre North-America (RCNA), the Regional Centre Europe (RCE), the Virtual Asian Regional Centre (VARC) and the Regional Centre Latin America (RCLA).
BABEL and Translatio are the two regular FIT publications, attracting a wide readership both inside and outside the organization. The proceedings of each congress are also published, and serve as a further source of valuable information to those interested in the many facets of the translating profession.
The principal objectives of FIT are: (a) to bring together translators’ associations already in existence; (b) to sponsor and facilitate the formation of such associations in countries where they do not already exist; (c) to provide member associations with any information and advice that would be useful to them; (d) to develop harmony and understanding among all member associations so as to promote the interests of translators; (e) to uphold the moral and material interests of translators throughout the world, advocate and advance the recognition of translation as a profession, enhance the status of the translator in society, and further public appreciation of translation as a science and a art.
Regular FIT members pay annual membership dues, ranging from USD 300.00 to 2,000.00 depending upon the number of members. There is a fixed annual fee for associate membership (currently USD 350.00) and for observer membership (currently USD 100.00). Associations / institutions should also consider this recurring expense when applying for FIT membership. The Statutory Congress will not be able to ratify the admission of candidate regular / associate members that have not paid their membership dues and will exclude members that have failed to pay their membership dues for two consecutive years. The candidate regular member pays a fee of USD 350.00 until their admission is ratified by the Statutory Congress.
Contact Information
– International Federation of Translators
2021 Union Avenue, Suite 1108
Montreal (Quebec) H3A 2S9, Canada
Tel: +(1) 514-845-0413
Fax: +(1) 514-845-9903
Contact Form: http://www.fit-ift.org/
E-mail: secretariat@fit-ift.org