Feder.Cen.Tr.I. – Central Federation of Translation and Interpretation
Feder.Cen.Tr.I. (National Federation of Translation Companies) is the first Italian association of language service companies. The first local "union" of translation and interpreting companies was established in 1991 in Bologna, and its success quickly led to the aggregation of other companies in several Italian cities.
The Association. was officially formed on 4 February 1993, its primary goal being to group common interests in order to enhance and manifest the professional abilities of language service companies.
After that, the Federation rapidly expanded throughout the country, organized in local and provincial offices.
The group represents the industry at a national level. All of the Federation's local offices report to the National associations, at which member companies may avail themselves of various services (tax, legal, labor consultation) and facilities.
Feder.Cen.Tr.I. is also the promoter and founding member of the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies (E.U.A.T.C.), whose members currently include Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, and Spain.
Represents the translation and interpretation industry at a national level, bringing together translation and interpretation companies,
giving them visibility and assistance, helping to improve the quality of their services.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
Nazionale dei Centri di Traduzione e Interpretariato
Via Solferino, 15 - 40124 Bologna - ITALY
Phone +39 0536 882467
Fax +39 0536 882413
Email: segreteria@ federcentri.org