ESIST – European Association for Studies in Screen Translation
- is a non-profit making association of higher education teachers, practitioners, academics and students in the field of audiovisual translation set up
to facilitate the exchange of information and to promote professional standards in the training and practice of screen translation.
- was set up in Cardiff in March 1995 by a group of academics and professionals with an interest in audiovisual translation, and who felt that not enough attention was being paid to this type of translation.
- sends its members regular mail shots with information relevant to the field of audiovisual translation: conferences, publications, jobs and the like.
- supports the organisation of the Languages and the Media Conference that takes place in Berlin every two years, and it also supports other similar events.
- can provide contacts, information, expertise and assistance in the field of screen translation with particular regard to training and professional standards.
- offers international contacts to assist in research projects.
Membership offers the opportunity to make your views heard and to participate in the development of ESIST. Members also:
- Receive periodical email shots.
- Have a cheaper attendance fee at the Languages and the Media Conference and other events supported by ESIST.
- Have access to information, expertise and assistance in the field of screen translation with particular regard to training and professional standards.
The membership fee is ?50 per two calendar years, January-December.
Contact Information
European Association for Studies in Screen Translation
Jorge D?az Cintas
Humanities Programme
Imperial College London
Sherfield Building, Room S310
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ - UK
Tel. + 44 (0)20 7594 8747
Fax + 44 (0)20 7594 8759
E-mail: j.diaz-cintas@imperial.ac.uk