EPITA – El Paso Interpreters and Translators Association
EPITA - El Paso Interpreters and Translators Association
(EPITA) was officially begun on February 9, 1984 in El Paso, Texas, under the name of Texas Association of Court Interpreters and Translators (TACIT). In March of 1987, the membership approved a bylaws amendment for a name change and TACIT became Texas Interpreters and Translators Association (TITA). The word “COURT” was dropped as it was felt that many interpreters and translators not actually employed by the courts were reluctant to approach us. Finally, in October of 1993, the membership voted to approve the name change to our present name: EL PASO INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS ASSOCIATION. The purpose of this change was to free the Texas Interpreters and Translators Association name in the event of an umbrella organization for all Texas associations became a reality.
Who can be a member?
Membership is open to any individual engaged in interpreting, translating, or closely related work who desires to improve his or her skills and knowledge, or any individual who desires to support the association or has an interest in interpreting and translating (voting member).
The benefits of EPITA members can be better understood if we look at the goals of the association. EPITA’s goals and objectives are:
– The advancement, protection and benefit of its members.
– To elevate the status of its members and to advance their interests.
– To unite the interpreters and translators in El Paso and surrounding areas in a movement tending to upgrade the profession, to meet the increasing demand for more qualified interpreters and translators.
– To promote and support programs for certification, maintain communication with similar organizations, work with institutions of higher learning, government agencies, business in general, legal and medical professions to achieve our goals.
– To make the public aware of our special skill and uplift our image.
– To increase the working efficiency of our members through workshops and seminars.
– To promote fellowship and good will among members giving the organization the status of a professional organization.
$50 Business/Institution
Contact Information
EPITA – El Paso Interpreters and Translators Association
P.O. Box 27157
El Paso, TX 79926
tel: (915) 546-2143, ext 4296
E-mail: margaritarmijo@gmail.com