Conference Internationale d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interpretes
In order to ensure the quality of professional translation and interpretation and thus meet the needs of the ever changing global professional environment for highly qualified translators and interpreters, it is the mission of CIUTI to contribute to the development of research in translation and interpretation and to the continued development of the training of professional translators and interpreters across the world.
CIUTI and its members aim to ensure a high quality in the training of translators and interpreters. In order to safeguard this quality against the background of different national frameworks, subscribes to the principle of equivalence in diversity. It does not aim to streamline the degrees of translators and interpreters at its member institutions. Rather, the diverse structures of higher education in the countries of the CIUTI-members should be exploited to ensure that the same quality standards are reached at the end of the degrees.
Membership should signify to the outside world that the contents and the examination standards, as well as the knowledge, attitudes and skills are of equivalent quality.
Candidates admitted to the second stage have to pay an administrative admission fee of 250 euros.
Contact Information
Conference Internationale d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interpretes
Contact Form: http://www.ciuti.org/contact/