CHICATA - Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association
CHICATA - Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association
CHICATA, a translators association in Chicago, was established in 1987 as an independent professional association of individual translators and interpreters. At present, CHICATA has over 170 members, working in about 50 languages and over 120 language combinations and numerous fields of specialization.
Since the beginning, CHICATA has grown tremendously, not only in number of members but also in its goals, services and importance.
CHICATA was established by and for translators and interpreters. Thus, according to the By-Laws of the Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association, independent freelance and in-house translators and interpreters are eligible for membership. Owners, managers and representatives of translation agencies and/or bureaus are NOT eligible for membership, but they may view the onlline directory. CHICATA does not act in any way as an employment agency. CHICATA is governed by an Executive Committee.
Members enjoy the many benefits that CHICATA offers:
– Regular meetings
– Exchange of information with fellow professionals
– Networking
– Newsletter
– Searchable directory
– Workshops
– Annual Conference
– Discounted rates on CHICATA workshops and Conferences
$40.00 per year
Contact Information
CHICATA – Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association
P.O. Box 804595
Chicago, IL 60680-4107
Tel. (312) 836-0961
E-mail: info@chicata.org