CBTIP-BKVTF – Belgian Chamber of Translators, Interpreters and Philologists


The Belgian Chamber of Translators, interpreters and philologists – Belgische Kamer van Vertalers, Tolken en Filologen – (CBTIP / BKVTF) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1955. On 23 May 2006, the CBTIP received the title of royal association.


Membership of the Chamber is open to any qualified translator, interpreter or philologist. It also maintains regular contacts with the legal authorities with a view to enhancing the status of the sworn translator/interpreter and ensuring an adequate remuneration for services rendered. Publications: ‘FlashInfo'(monthly), ‘Le Linguist’ (official organ) and a yearbook where you can find translators’ contact addresses. Trilingual website (Dutch, English, French).


180 One-year membership

Contact Information

CBTIP-BKVTF – Belgian Chamber of Translators, Interpreters and Philologists
Rue Montoyerstraat 24 – b12 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles/Brüssel
Tel & Fax: 02/513.09.15
Bank account: 310-0463867-02 (IBAN: BE32 3100 4638 6702 – BIC:BBRUBEBB)
Company / VAT number: BE 0407 664 274
E-mail: secretariat@cbtip-bkvtf.org

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