BQTA – Belgian Quality Translation Association
The Belgian Quality Translation Association is a non-profit making organization founded in 1995 whose members are translation companies established in Belgium.
The association pursues the following aims:
To promote and maintain contact between translation companies in accordance with a strict professional code of ethics;
To contribute towards enhancing the image and the quality of the language services sector;
To standardize certain business practices and/or working methods promoting greater transparency for those buying language services;
To assure the joint representation of members, in particular as regards the Belgian authorities, in all areas related to language services;
To play an active part in all issues relating to translation at European level, and in particular as regards the preparation of a European quality standard;
To promote the use of modern translation support tools;
To safeguard freedom of initiative and the free market in the translation and language services sector in Belgium and to intervene if necessary should restrictive and/or inappropriate plans for regulation be put forward;
To expose situations involving unfair competition in the language services sector and in the translation sector in particular.
Companies associated to the BQTA gain credibility for complying with a quality charter comprising the 10 following points:
1. To entrust translation work to professionals working exclusively into their mother tongue;
2. to ensure that translated or adapted texts are revised;
3. to have available the human resources necessary to ensure efficient management of multilingual projects;
4. to have available the technical and logistical infrastructure needed to fulfill each task;
5. to meet the deadlines agreed with the client;
6. to guarantee that all documents translated remain strictly confidential;
7. to entrust translation work to professionals with adequate experience in the relevant subjects;
8. to strive for terminological consistency and uniformity in each subsequent text for the same client;
9. to give the client all the assistance and service which he or she is entitled to expect;
10. to organize the ongoing training of the various players involved in a translation project.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
BQTA – Belgian Quality Translation Association
Meiklokjeslaan 7 avenue des Muguets – B1950 Kraainem
Phone: 00 32 2 346 71 17
Fax: 00 32 2 343 97 84
Email: info@bqta.be