ÜG – Austrian Association of Literary and Scientific Translato
The Übersetzergemeinschaft, part of the Literaturhaus in Vienna, was founded in 1981 by Utta Roy-Seifert with the objective of improving the professional, legal and
social situation of the translators of literary and scientific works.
Currently there are about 250 members, which the association supports with advice and information.
We are committed to institutions and policy makers at national and international level for the interests of translation.
ÜG is a member of the following organizations:
CEATL – Conseil Europeen des Associations des Traducteurs
EWC – Europäischer Schriftstellerkongreß
FIT – Federation Internationale des Traducteurs
IG Autorinnen Autoren
The website of ÜG is not offered in English.
The Association’s main concerns are the improvement of translator’s working conditions – particularly through improved contract terms and an appropriate reward – and the increased recognition of our profession in the public.
Full Member: € 80
It is a prerequisite for membership to have at least one substantial translation published
Candidate Member: € 50
Young Translators who haven’t published a substantial translation yet
Contact Information
ÜG – Austrian Association of Literary and Scientific Translators
Contact Persons: Brigitte Rapp, Nadja Grössing, Claudia Zecher
Übersetzergemeinschaft, Literaturhaus
Seidengasse 13, A-1070 Wien
Phone: 43-1/5262044-18,-51,-52
Fax: 43-1/5262044-30, 5246435
Email: ueg@literaturhaus.at