AUSIT – Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators
The Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) is the national association for the translating and interpreting profession. It was founded in 1987,
bringing together existing local associations and specialist groups and now has branches in each State and Territory.
AUSIT is a fully independent association, incorporated in the ACT, with an Australia?-wide membership that continues to grow steadily. Members of AUSIT are mainly practicing translators and interpreters, but those interested in the support and development of the profession are encouraged to join as well.
With its aim of promoting the highest standards in the profession, AUSIT serves as a meeting place for all those who understand the importance of translation and
interpreting to the economy and society, particularly with a globalised economy and the growth of worldwide communications. AUSIT is a primary source of information on these services to government, industry, the media and the general public.
The AUSIT Code of Ethics is recognized as setting standards for the profession.
The Code has been endorsed by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) and other organizations.
AUSIT is a member of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), where it represents the interests of members and takes part in the development of
international policies likely to affect the future of the profession, and in initiatives to promote and support translation associations throughout the world (including countries where translators are oppressed or even persecuted for their work). In 1996 hosted FIT?s 14th triennial World Congress at the World Congress
Centre in Melbourne.
1. Professional Development and Keeping Up-to-Date
- Enjoy preferential member rates for entry to workshops and seminars and
to the biennial national interpreting and translation conference.
- Receive AUSIT?s quarterly newsletter (in hard copy or electronically) ? a forum for the exchange of information and ideas, and a place where you can read
the latest national and international T&I news and reports of AUSIT activities.
- Gain access to the members-only section of the AUSIT website
containing information on pertinent subjects that every translator and interpreter should know.
2. Networking
- Participate in AUSIT?s regular networking sessions, workshops and seminars, where you can listen to presentations on a range of relevant topics and meet
with your fellow practitioners.
- Join the e-bulletin, AUSIT?s electronic forum for professional exchanges with 350 subscribers.
- Members are also welcome to attend committee meetings and encouraged to participate in branch activities.
3. Directory of Members
The website includes a directory of fully qualified (NAATI-accredited) members for public viewing.
- Inclusion in the directory of members allows you to better market your services by giving you access to potential clients in all areas of the
4. Representation
- is frequently invited to participate in government and other forums dealing with matters relating to the translating and interpreting profession.
- also makes representation to government and the private sector to achieve higher recognition and better conditions for the profession as a whole.
5. Preferential Rates
- Members may choose to participate in AUSIT?s annual Yellow Pages joint advertising campaigns. AUSIT has big entries in the larger capital cities, with smaller advertisements in the smaller capitals.
- Members have access to a specially negotiated, discounted rate for professional indemnity insurance.
- Members receive a 20% discount as well as a 28 day risk free trial of the Australian Business Coaching Club.
6. Quality Assurance
By joining AUSIT, members commit themselves to conforming to AUSIT's
Code of Ethics, a strict set of guidelines for professional conduct ? one of the reasons why members are held in high regard by the clients they serve.
$66 Students
$99 Professional Membership
Contact Information
Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators
PO Box 193
Surrey Hills
VIC 3127
Phone: 1800 284 181
Email: admin@ausit.org