ATPP – Peruvian Association of Professional Translators
The Peruvian Association of Professional Translators (ATPP) is a private non-profit association founded in Lima, Peru, in 1992. It was formed to provide institutional
support for the translating and interpreting professions for the benefit of both translators and their clients.
Our Code of Ethics can be summed up in a few words:
professional competence, a constant striving for
excellence and respect for our clients and colleagues.
To belong to the ATPP, one has to be a translator or interpreter of at least ten years? standing.
The ATPP is an institutional member of the American Translators Association (ATA) and is affiliated with the International Federation of Translators (FIT). One of
our members chairs the Executive Committee of FIT's Regional Center Latin America (CRAL) founded in Buenos Aires in May 2003.
The specific objectives of the ATPP are:
- To promote translation and interpretation as professional activities in Peru.
- To ensure that professional translators and interpreters adhere to strict ethical and quality standards.
- To promote recognition of the translator and interpreter as high-ranking professionals.
- To contribute to the use of accurate and uniform terminology to facilitate communication.
Contact the association for information on membership
Contact Information
ATPP - Peruvian Association of Professional Translators
Casilla Postal 18-0251, Lima 18, Peru
Email: atpp.consejo.directivo@gmail.com